What software are you running on your music server

I am currently using kodi on my MAC mini installed with Windows 10. I feel the sound quality is not very good.  What other options can I try?

Thank you.


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"Unless you are doing digital processing, and I don't think you are, there is no sound quality improvement available in software"

Audirvana Studio will significantly improve sound quality.  It optimizes the server in multiple steps by minimizing non-audio functions, assigning dedicated RAM, and running output through a single port in exclusive mode.  Many others. 

Definite improvement in noise floor and SQ.

If you are into Tidal's MQA (I'm not), AS software will complete the first "unfold".

AS also lets you add your own custom or third party DSP convolutions to the signal path.

And BTW, remote software for tablet or mobile phone control.


@petercanada - Another vote for Audirvana !

I ran it on my iMac many years ago ago it was very good

I’ve since moved onto a Bluesound Node 2 with all CD music now residing on a NAS drive.

What I like about the Bluesound/NAS solution

  • sound quality is excellent - and it improves with good cables
  • software updates install EVERY time
    • without the need to upgrade anything
    • NEVER left hanging!
  • great Interface
  • no computer necessary - turn on and GO!
  • integrates with most streaming services - I use Amazon Prime
  • NAS drive supports RAID Mirriring
    • if one drive fails - simply pop in a new drive and the RAIDsoftware mirrors the existing drive in the background
  • Infinite storage capability - i.e. as hard drives get larger
  • great quality and easy to setup
  • stream content up to 24/192
  • stream from
    • any bluetooth device
    • USB sticks and drives
    • Network (NAS) drives
    • internet - radio stations
    • streaming srevices

I started streaming my CD content with the Apple TV, then moved to an iMac (which I already had) but the OS upgrades and associated software upgrade requirements drove me nuts.

Audirvana helps greatly with sound quality and ease of use, with their Cellphone interface and it seems there have been many improvements over the years

  • But the sound quality is not as good as the Node 2.

Regards - Steve (Collingwood area)


"I ran it on my iMac many years ago ago it was very good"

...and it's much better now, esp. with Audirvana Studio.