What song best sums up the previous year?

Is there a song that stands out to you that for any reason sums up the year 2005?
(Sorry about the misspelling.)

I read about two guys who were locked up partially based on warrantless evesdropping (which as yet we don't know whether legal or not but then these are times the likes of which we've not seen before). Both are Muslims from the Mideast, one who is cooling his heels in prison because of confessing to a plot to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge during rush hour. The other also in an 8x8 having been convicted of supporting, working with, and financing terrorists groups in the Mideast. I hate to sound jaded but I'm glad someone was following these dopes.

By the way, Bill Clinton's administration (who never addressed the worldwide Islamic terrorist threat, but then neither did the Republican congress. I'm pretty sure Bush never mentioned it during any speeches in 2000.) also "illegally" wiretapped and broke into an American's house. This guy is in prison now convicted of spying for Israel.

I think the Bush admin. had this plan (not very well executed): Take Afganistan and turn it into a civilized state. Next take Iraq and do the same thing. Now we've got the big prize, Iran, in a squeeze hold and hopefully the people of Iran would rebel and throw out the savagely dangerous terrorist regime. Then decency and goodness would spread throughout the rest of the Muslim world!! Yay!!!

By the way, Saddam paid for dozens of terrorists attacks against Israel and allowed terrorists safe haven and training in his country. I also think Iraq was the weakest of the countries that needed "adjustment". And if Iraq was not part of the worldwide terrorist network, why do the terrorists think it's so important to keep it that way?
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Tomryan, you said, and I quote "we are the solution" What kind of nonsense is that?? Sounds a lot like the Nazis during World War II. Maybe you should change your moniker from Tomryan to Aryan.