Hey Sgordon1 are you my doppelganger as I am Scott Gordon and was thinking about hearing aids since I’m of that age where it would probably be the best improvement to my audio system as it would increase my frequency range maybe even clarity. Don’t tell me you live near Philly. 😁
Mazian : Odins are knock offs bough a couple they sound great so I purchased the rest. A noticeable improvement over a lower level and cost Audioquest. And thank you for your suggestions those Sonettos are high wife acceptance me thinks must see where to give them a listen. Interesting that you and Erik both suggested a new amp, why?
Erik Thank you, I’ve notice many of your helpful recommendations to others needing advice, way to be as folks like you make this site worth the visit. It’s true my amp is boring dead silent, and no dials to turn. Also, I notice Manzian suggested an amp change, why not the Technics? It was an offer could not refuse.I have like the look of the CJ amps over all others never heard them however. I had a tube HHScott when I first started out many moons ago and I was going through tubes like crazy, so it turned me off tubes as I was young, poor and of course the amp was way used. there’s a fun story behind that amp. next up I went to all Adcom gear as they were just up the street in New Brunswick NJ. They fix the amp once for a dozen donuts. Your suggestion of system analysis would take me to another level of audiophiledom. So far, I’ve only a dB measuring device which has helped me quantify my loudness preferences from my listening position, at what dB my speakers come alive, at what volume they clip and how low a volume they can play.