What to do with a large collection

I have thousands of CDs and records and am looking to get rid of most of them. i can’t possibly listen to them in my remaining years and my wife doesn’t need them. CDs, it turns out, are not very viable these days, and if you want to sell them to a dealer you can only get store credit!! And, if as in my case, the collection is 90% classical, it seems they will be impossible to unload. Since CDs are antiques these days, I can’t imagine ANYONE who would want them. The only alternative I can see is the garbage. When you consider just how much of an investment they were it’s indeed a sobering realization.
Records are indeed “in,” but how desirable are classical LP’s?

Any suggestions?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrvpiano

There is a lively trade in used classical CDs on Amazon.  Of course, the rarer ones command higher prices.  One of the USA-based companies that does a lot of business there is Decluttr.

Entertainment | Sell DVDs, Compact Discs & Books | Decluttr

If you want just to donate, trying talking to the Music department of your local college or university.

A few years ago, I sold a large collection of CDs to 


i don’t know if they’re still in business, but, worth a try. They made it easy to pack and ship the CDs. Might get some $ out of it. 
Good luck!

Proximity to a university or high school music program?  A donation could enrich the program and give a credible tax write off to you.  Winner winner chicken dinner.

My jazz program director was a former Vegas player and he used vinyl albums to provide examples of ensemble and soloist works as a teaching tool.

Best of luck with the adventure.  Cheers

@rvpiano   Private message me.  I could be interested in a discussion about buying your CD collection.  Despite what others say, I don't stream and love my CD collection.  Always looking to expand it.  And classical is lacking in my current collection.  Cheers.