Whats the krell sound?

Have heard the above mentioned in either love it or hate it. Whats to love and whats to hate?

thanks(i think :))
Bozzy...I just noticed in another thread that you have B&W 703s...I Have the CDM1nt's and just upgraded from a bryston B60 integrated to an Electrocompaniet ECI-3. From the forum posts I have read on the Electrocompaniet website, alot of the people are using B&W's with Electro gear. I understand that the Nemo monoblocks were made with the N801's in mind. You may want to check out some of their lower power stereo or monoblock amps in the 200+wpc range. They seem to go for pretty reasonable prices used...I have alredy been drooling over the used amps for sale here on the gon but have to start somewhere. And no...I have no affiliation with them.


p.s. the pictures definitely do not do them justice
Nevre did hear the krell sound. Ened up with a Belles 350a and an Audible Illusions L-1 pre-amp. Great detail, bass is balanced and nice clarity. Great setup for loud listening and sounds great at lower volumes. Im happy.