Whats the ultimate 300b or 211 set amp 36watts rm

Right now the absolute ,no holds barred best set amps are Roger Hebert WYETECH LABS IS THE 300b ruby or the 211 ruby sound and look breathtaking
I've heard the lamms , wavac 805 , and the kondo all very very good but was visiting a friend , whose brother had just purchased the wyetech ruby 211 , and it literally blew me away
Pavpet, does this relate to your post in 2009 on ruby 211 amps? Why are you so blown away if you heard this 4 years ago?
Have you heard the 300B model?
And once again... is Roger selling these now?
Truemaineiac yes I heard the prototypes in 2009 , and haven't listen to the actual final production until a few months ago, with some new tweaks and fia the 300b prototypes finished look exactley like the 211 vt4c , except using 4 300bs in v shape
I'm a lucky one. I have heard all of Roger's amps including the newly made 300b Ruby. Actually, I only heard 1 monoblock driving both speakers and it was still better than his two 211 Rubies. To my ears and all of that. I have been fond of the 300b sound for many years and had always settled on the Sapphires, but after hearing the Ruby 300b... it is hard for me to consider any other (and I've heard most of the top in sound and $$$). No word when both will be ready for a listen but for now I have to say I was enamoured with the single monoblock alone.