When is the best time to buy equipment??

Look over the classifieds On mondays, people come to their senses then. I think over the summer you will start to see a flood of amplifiers ect. Right now on agon the prices are up from a while ago, Just wait and dont make snap decisions. Most of the time your the only buyer anyway :)
I said April because I've seen so many ads by people looking for cash to pay the taxman!!! And these people usually file at the last minute. People GETTING money back from taxes usually file as early as possible to get the cash.
I did a one person survey, that person being me. I was just curious and this is what I came up with:

Feb was by far the busiest month (30) while June was the least active (3). Jan and Oct were tied for next busiest w/14 ea. while April and July were the next least active with 7 ea. The other 6 months were all close with between 8 and 12 ea.

I was off by one somewhere but that's not enough to skew the numbers.
There never really is a good time, but when I get that uncontrollable stirring in my loins I start cruising the Audiogon Boulevard looking for some audio fun.