Where do you want your system to go when you go?

People think of real estate, stocks, property...etc.  But I'm wondering where would my audio systems go when I go?  Most in my family are happy with television and an audio system that is more like a TV or toaster.  Not to be morbid, but my friends that would have cared are no longer living.  There are lawyers, charitable causes and other "things" for other possessions, but I cannot see my systems going to Goodwill....etc.  For us baby boomers it is a real thought.  My best friend, who died of cancer, had a decent system with sperates and some Martin Logan speakers... his wife didn't care and ended up giving it all away and basically just watches TV.  

What do you want to happen to your system?...hopefully many of you have people in your life that your system would mean something to them.



















Funny question. I bought in the last year a Rogers High Fidelity integrated amp which comes w/ a lifetime warranty. One of Roger’s advertising lines is equipment your kids will be fighting over…. 

I asked Roger how old he was & he’s exactly my age so I hope he lives at least as long as I have no plans on ever selling it ( great stuff!!) . 

All my audio equipment will be buried along side of me and the speakers will be toed in so that I can listen in peace. I have left instructions to leave it turned on with a car battery connected. My wife does not want it so I am taking it with me...

Don’t know.  I won’t be around. My wife will probably just give everything away. 

I have ONE great-nephew into music. I'll probably bequeath it to him if he has a house in a few years with room for it.  If not, I'd rather it go to a local record store. They could use it "in-store" to play stuff for customers or sell it to stay in business. 

The thing is, all this "stuff" that we care about and agonized over in purchasing decisions, and have come to love for the music it gives us is meaningless to most people who watch thin HDTVs and never even buy a sound bar or use Logitech headphones for Teams meetings. 

What happens to our "stuff" when we are gone? Ultimately it doesn't matter.  All that matters is that in the "here and now" it has meaning to us.

I don't care. It's just stuff. "Stuff" isn't important. I've made a list of the value of all my stuff that's worth selling, and the best and easiest places to offload it, so my heirs can get appropriate cash for it if they don't want it. But I don't have any sentimental attachment to toys, and if I did, I'd be dead anyway, so the sentimentality would die with me, so I really don't worry about what happens to my stuff.