where to go from a hp mini 210 netbook
I tried a computer audio device from Sound Science a couple of years back and it wasn't for me.
But I noticed on the whats best for 2014 thread a couple of mentions of St Paul and the Broken Bones. So I took a listen of the you tube on my desk top computer. They sounded pretty good. I showed it to some others also and they liked it. Then I thought I would really like to hear it on my main system. So after about an hour following the steps from my Sim Audio D300 V2 dac owners manual I could get my netbook to work on my main system. After about a half hour of listening I went back to a window that gave you the option of selecting the bit rate and sampling frequncy. I could choose 24/196. I did and it is identified on my dac as coming out as 24/196. Well that sounds even better. I started listening to Kenny Burell and other suggestions. All good.
So i was wondering if you could give me some direction.
First I really like the sound quality and would like to make that a way that I go with all my new stuff. But I don't want to go down a rabbit hole. Keeps things simple.
Can I record or download any of the you tube music from their videos. Than would be ideal. I would probabaly rarely buy any more music again.
If I can what simple, obvious sound quality upgrades should I make to my system. I think from a practical standpoint if I go down this road I will need to get a larger storage capacity of some kind. It goes from my netbook through a (or around, or under, or hoovers above it according to the one thread about current/signal propagation, anyway some voodoo)16" Gigawire model #26-715 to my Moon D300 dac into my system.
If I cannot capture any of that music that way what is the next simple but very good sounding way to bring in music that will sound as good (I know some of the sources HD Tracks, ect.)and play it back just as easy.
I am just wondering what is the next best couple of simple steps toward this kind of 24/196 sound.
Thanks for any help