Where to purchase cables?


Where do you purchase your cables?  Interconnects, Speaker & Power cables?

I am building a second system and interested in new and used options.

Thanks for any recommendations.


Generally speaking, one should purchase cabling at the same level as their audio chain. For instance, if one has a 100k system, high quality cabling is needed to prevent sonic bottlenecks. But if one has an entry system, then minimal should be spent on cabling.


  1. Are you asking where I personally purchase my cabling OR
  2. Are you asking for low priced cabling OR
  3. Are you asking for cabling that matches the level of your audio chain? We’d need to know the components in your chain to make relevant suggestions

Yes, sifting through cabling is very confusing beyond the marketing hype. 

I have experimented with lots of DIY and commercial cables without spending too much money. For commercial cables, I buy and sell almost exclusively on A’gon and USAudiomart. If you’re patient, you can buy, test and resell virtually any cable you want and break even. Good luck!

Marching cables to system level is important.  Cheap cables don’t work on a resolving system.  I have a lot of “inexpensive” cables including Blue Jeans collecting dust.

Each company and line within a company has a signature that should be used to enhance or balance to your preferred sound.  A Dark system usually isn’t helped by dark cables.

That means trial and error (me and Blue Jeans), borrowing cables from a dealer or used cables.com or the like.

There is a big difference between most $500 and $1000 cables just like there is a big difference between $1000 and $1500 cables or not depending on the system and your ears.


+1 I have Blue Jean cables collecting dust as well… they sounded the same to me a the budget Best Buy or Amazon. Typically that is the experience I have had with budget brands.

@squared80 Bet your rig sounds awesome.


Head on back to AVS or ASR or whatever rock you came from. 

Power cords: whatever came with your system, because anything else won’t matter one single bit.

Speaker wire: any well made 12AWG OFC. Monoprice and Blue Jean Cables are cheap and effective. A coat hanger would literally sound just as good as any expensive snake oil brand but may be tougher to work with. :)