Where to start? New to Analog

Can someone recommend a decent introductory (used or new) phonostage and an older used turntable or something introductory level.

I could probably sneak my parents old one away ;) but I doubt it is up to snuff.

I was thinking a QED Discsaver from UHF Mag for around $150 CDN would be a good start. Since my NADC350 Integrated lacks a phono stage.

Any brand recommendations or advice on where to start for an older turntable?

I'm a University student, small budget, basically looking to experiment for as little as possible till I can leap to something worthwhile.

All thoughts recommendations, articles or pages that can provide me some more detailed background information from a beginner's prospective would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance
I'll probably pickup the NAD PP2 as I can get it for around $150CDN locally.

Still waiting on finding out what exactly the old turntable is, turns out my sister snarfed it from the parents ;) - So i'll try to steal it back lol

A local retailer offered me a Dual 506 for $200CDN - any thoughts on this TT?

I'll let everyone know once I find out what my parent's is,

Thanks for the advice :)
The Dual 506 was a fine little budget turntable--decades ago, when it was new. I have a friend who owns one, and it still runs fine. But $200CDN? You gotta be kidding me.

'Tables are mechanical devices, and mechanical devices wear out. Doesn't mean old ones won't work, but you takes your chances, which is why you shouldn't pay top dollar for them. You just don't know when you'll need to buy another.
Ya I thought it was overpriced as I could get into an entry level Project for around $350cdn or so and a basic music hall for around the same.

The family turntable is a "BSR Macdonald" atleast that's all my sister, in another city or I would go look, can find on it to identify it. Anyone familiar with this product?
This BSR is really socks. The Dual should be much cheaper. Listen to the Thorens hobbyists. They know about TT's.

Or look for a nice Dual 505 MkII. Or a Technics 1700 or 1200 or a Technics tangential like SL- J1 This is a later product.