Which amp is best to drive Magneplanar 1.6's?

I am presently using a McCormack DNA 0.5 REV "B" to drive
the speakers which is very clear but I was wondering what
else is out there that would be better in terms of bass. I'm using a Krell CD player which is known for bass and
is connected directly to the amp. Any suggestions? Thanx.
One more comment; I agree wholeheartedly with Kinsekd above, and recommend a quality sub. I had good, but not great bass with stand alone 1.6's. I craved more low end. So, I added a Vandersteen sub. I understand that unofficially, the Vandy is the sub of choice for Magnepan. The Vandersteen takes it's signal from the amp and utilizes a crossover to feed only signals above 80hz to the mains (relieving 1.6's from trying to reproduce the lower frequencies). I believe this is explained on Vandersteen's website. You won't lack for bass with a pair of subs! I built HT this year, and added second Vandy sub; awesome low end!
Of course, amplification will partially dictate quality of bass.. But what everyone says is true, give Magnepans Power Power, Power and Whoa! Great sound!
Classe' work very well with Maggies. I run a pair of 3a's with a CA 150 with great results. I have also used a CA 101 and enjoyed them. I would suggest either a CA 150 or CA 200 or two 100's or 101's bridged. Any of these combinations would keep you under $1500.

I am using a Luxman M-05 at 105 w/ch class A power. I dont need a subwoofer. I agree with the plinius user. Good class A power at 100 w/ch or more will rock your world !


A friend of mine have 1.6's which we tried with my Threshold s500, and it did have good synergy with the maggies....
