Which Audio Interconnect would you recommend?

I am deciding between four audio interconnects. They are Kimber Kable Silver Steak; Silver Audio Silver Bullet 4.0; Pure Silver Sound Quartet; and Home Grown Audio Silver Lace.

I also need a good 3 metre pair of interconnects for my subwoofer.

My system: B&W 703 speakers; Rotel Rmb-1075 amp; Rotel Rsp-1068 processor, and Sunfire True Sub Jr.

Given my system, please give the benefit of your wisdom/experience.

Hmmm, Well I used to use the KCAG and liked it until a friend brought his Au24 over. I liked it better on my system. Anyway, I would suggest you try the KCAG and Audience Au24.

Good Luck
If your equipment is in a 'low electronic noise' location, the unshielded Silver Streaks are a good cable. Kimber Hero is also an excellent IC. I was disappointed with Homegrowns Silver Lace, and actually liked the Super Silver better.

I am using Silver Audio Hyacinth as I feel they provide the best value. I also liked the Nordost Red Dawn. Other than the Hero and Silver Streak, these IC's are silver or silver clad (Red Dawn) and provide a great deal of detail. If your system tends towards the 'bright' side, the Hero may be an excellent choice. Just my experience. My equipment includes Audio Research LS-16, BAT VK-D5, SIM Moon W-3 and Magnepan 3.5 R's.
I would suggest you try the TG Audio High Purity Silver Interconnect. A pair retails for $800 meter pair.