Which is the better Subwoofer?

I'm a newbe at this so I could use some help. I presently have both a Yamaha RX-V1 Receiver and DVD-CX1 player. I'm looking to purchase either the Definitive Technology Supercube 1 or the Velodyne SPL-1200 Series II. Which sub will give me the most bang for the buck for right now. This will be be my first Subwoofer purchase for my starter system. All ideas and suggestions will be appreciated.
I used the Veloydyne before and liked it very much. I have not tried the Supercube.
The best subwoofer (other than the Krell) is the now discontinued Muse 18. The company is still in business.

There is one listed on this site.

I tried really hard to like the supercube on a couple of ocaisions. It was unlistenable to me.