Which power cord more important?

I'm thinking of changing my stock power cords for my cd player and 100 wpc integrated for better ones...however, I might have enough just to change one of them for now....am I right assuming that the power cord for amplifier will make a bigger difference than the one for the cd player?
if I were you I would try to borrow 2 powercables from a show/friend etc. Then just play with them, try to see if they make any difference at all.

I did play a little with powercable. My conclusion is that on my DAC the improvement was the biggest, next was the trasport. On my amp I did not get any improvement.
After reading some of the comments, power cord no matter the manufacture can only provide whatever is seen at the incoming wall line other words, "garbage in garbage out"!

The power from the wall plug is a 14gauge cheap copper that meet UL approval for loads that does not meet our sensitive levels.

So we think before the PC to place larger gauge wires back to the breaker panel and also forgetting the cable coming from the utility outside of the house will solve the issue and still problems.

So what I have done is to install a constant current isolation transformer made by Tripplite on my dedicate line and than ran pure copper 10 gauge silver braid shielded and grounded only at the breaker panel with MOV protection for RF noise and at the dedicated line putting hospital grade outlet plugs.

Only using line conditioners on my Digital front and providing direct wall plug in for my amp and analog front end.

After process of elimination I than start to experiment with different PC between my incoming power and my components. However it is again recommended to read your owners manuals, because of the power supply with, built in conditioners and incorporated in the design might not benefit and only creating an expense not necessary to place these "snake cables" in the path.

Be careful not to ground loop and read first your manuals of each component for such things as chassis,logic vs power grounds before lifting or isolating, anyways different topic for another discussion.

Enjoy Music!

very good advice Audiogalore. Get your ac and receptacles right, then work on your room. worry about pc`s and line conditioners later is my advice, heck might not even need a exotic pc(s) or line conditioners after the ac and room are finished. buy more music instead.
Some of my fiddlings of the last 12 months with power cords are discussed in my PFO article on the Furutech Evolution II wiring suite. See:
My general impressions is that there are power cords that are somewhat position insensitive, and can be successfully applied to most all positions in the component chain, like the Furutech Evo II featured in the review, which is my current general reference wire. Conversely, other power cords seem to be most applicable to a particular position or a particular component, e.g. the Shunyata Helix Anaconda Alpha, which I thought to be in highest synergy with the Esoteric X-01 CDp.Some other wires instead, I found not to be at all conducive to the sound I am seeking.
In the end, I suspect that the answer to the original question is. . . it depends! Depends on the individual component, on the overall architecture of the system, on the room acoustics, and on one's particular sonic/musical inclinations. G.
After owning a ton of cables and PC's and subsequently trying to challenge my own bias's and preconceptions, due in part to verbal lashings from other A'Gon members, I have come full circle....MIT products are superior for most applications. Every other cable I've auditioned has fallen short in the long run. No other manufacturer has done as much research into the transmission of audio signals through wire, or has as many patents to prove it! Everything else is just wire...sorry, but it's true:O( The new Gen 3 cables raise the bar even higher for the 2C3D lover in you...or maybe MA is more your style?