Ken, length does not seem to effect the EEL or Whale Elite. I personally would purchase the Whale Elite over the EEL, however they are both very good, you get more for your money in this case!
I'm a true believer in Custom Power Cords by David Blair. The entry level Mod. 11 are a great buy for the money. From there, I would jump directly to the Top Gun an incredible power cord that you won't be disappointed with.
I have older Levinson gear and using both BMI's whales & NBS statement which improved my system dramatically. It opened up the soundstage and big improvements in the bottom end and mids. Very smooth on the top end and need to get another whale for my line conditioner.
I've had great success with electraglide fat boy. It has brought out detail and bass tremendously. It made my Krell 200s sound like a new more powerful amp. With so many good reviews on the BMI Whale Elite I am definitly going to try one and make a direct comparison.
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