Dave, As you know Ive ordered a new Modwright SWL 9.0SE pre amp.It is a 5687 tube based pre of course. At $2200. new ..this unit is designed to stack up to the best competition, sonically, up to ~ 8K! Not your typical "tube" sounding pre here based on others whom I have spoken with..Dan at Modwright Instruments can assist you as to compatability with the Krells, but I think they mate well with most anything, based on the reviews on 6Moons.
It would be good to hear of others who have the 9.0SE and thier comments and if they could make a recommendation to assist you here. BTW..as the new owner of your wonderful CAD-50M MkII monoblocks...I love them...Thanks!!--Ken
It would be good to hear of others who have the 9.0SE and thier comments and if they could make a recommendation to assist you here. BTW..as the new owner of your wonderful CAD-50M MkII monoblocks...I love them...Thanks!!--Ken