Which speaker did TAS put in place of Gallo 3

So, in the last TAS issue of recommended components, there was no mention of the Gallo Ref. 3.1 -
Which speaker in that price range did they say they thought sounded better for the money? Because of the variable price of the Gallo, after you add a sub base amp and the stands, it's confusing as to where the line is drawn on its price.
I couldn't figure it out.

Joekapahulu - Hi, just out of curiosity, what do you feel the other players are at $3k?

Rolloff - As time goes on, newer products will push older ones off of the magazines' lists. This doesn't mean the older products are "less good", it's just that people want to read about new stuff. Also, it's in TAS's best interests to push newer stuff, for more ad revenue. They are a business, after all.
Is Gallo dis-continueing the 3.1s,in favor of the 3.5.Or will they still build both?
Goatwuss makes some valid statements concerning TAS/magazine reviews.
TAS ranted and raved about the ASR Emitter II and now its not on any of there lists. If you like the product thats all that counts. If your equipment must be on their list you are gonna go thru a lot of gear.
Thanks all for the coments. I still like my Gallos w the Brightstar stands and the sub base amp. I liked them before all the extras too. Sometimes I get the upgrade bug and try to look for the next component to change in my system. I know that room treatments would probably make a bigger difference than would the change of any of my existing components. I just had the feeling that maybe technology had moved the bar upwards, as far as speakers went, and perhaps something newer would be an improvement.
I can't imaging Gallo would sell the 3.5 and a 3.1 version.
Here is the answer. I corresponded with Gallo Acoustics, and they have informed me that the 3.1 will be discontinued, but that they will be coming out with another pruduct later this year or early next year in that price range. The 3.1 will apparently be upgradeable to the 3.5, though the price of that upgrade is to be determined.