I opt for door #3, but, with the understanding that it is a journey. If the goal is about accurate sound reproduction, or as accurate as one can get, then the journey is also based on real-world financial expectations.
You get the best that you can afford and if you received the correct/accurate advice along the way, you understand that you will be upgrading many times in order to get "there".
So, you do the best you can at first. Find something isn't quite right and begin the long upgrade path. One is never "there", but there is diminishing returns after awhile. Also a point where to get to the next real level would cost a ridiculous amount of money that may not be worth it to you.
When you get "there", can you live with what you have? If yes, then there you are. After so many years of getting "there", take a step back and add up the costs all along the way. It would probably be really high. to the extent that If you were just starting out on this path, and knew the costs, you probably wouldn't even start out.
But, the real question is what makes one happy? For me, it is the satisfying volunteer coaching I've been doing since the early 1990's, music, art, good friends and family, being able to work hard and take care of my family and put my kids through college, vacations (I love this) and coming home, turning on the system, getting a good glass of wine, a good book, company and listening to music.
It's taken a long time to get to where I am music wise. I'll never be completely there, but I'm good with what I have and where I am.
So, door # 3 for me, but with the understanding that it is/was a long term/long time goal.