Which Used CD Player for Under $1,500?

I have narrowed my choices to the following:

Arcam FMJ CD23
Musical Fidelity A-3.2
Cary CD-303-100
Cary CD-308T
Shanling CD-T100

Which would you select and why? Open to other suggestions.

sim audio equinox does not have a variable like the quad,i bought mine new cause i got virtualy what i payed for quad at dealer.ther was one on audigon for 1350.00,however they go for 2200.00 new,i have owned several quads,there nice sounding..but imho there not as detailed,powerfull,coherant,as ths sim,worth the extra cash?definatly.
Was just in your shoes and purchased a Sony XA777ES. I could not be MORE happy. I owned a Cary CD-308 before this unit. Redbook performance is spot on and SACD is a nice bonus. I think there is one listed for $1275.00 in the classifieds. Good Luck!

the biggest issue i had with my 99-cdp,s is they wouldnt play my ralph towners solstice cd,none of them,even the stores unit.plus they skipped every once in a while.really bothered me.havent had one issue with equinox.
I too was looking at the Sim Equinox. It was my goal to do an in home audition with a Jolida JD-100 (I still may). However, as fate (or fortune) may have it I ran into an Alesis Masterlink 9600 CDP, Recorder, and HD unit. This one is a TRL mod and all I can say is that everything I have read and heard about TRL mods is true. Call it whatever you want, but I drank the Kool Ade, and now I'm on the bus enjoying every minute of it. Just for fun I'm alternating between the Alesis as a standalone and as a digtal output into my Audio Mirror DAC ($499 new on Audiogon). You can get a new Alesis ML 9600 for $800. The mod runs $550. Well worth checking out. TRL offers a money back guarantee on the mod.