white noise from tweeters

I recently purchased a Naim CD5i CD player, Naim Supernait amplifier and B&W 805S speakers. Using Cardass Crosslink for speaker wire.
I have an almost inaudible, I have to be within 12", white noise coming from the tweeters. This doesn't affect the great sound coming from the system but it does annoy me.
The noise remains after disconnecting the CD player and it is not affected by increasing the volume. I'm certain this noise is generated by the amplifier and I'm curious if anybody else has experienced the same thing.
I dont know about any of you, but I feel that true Hi Fi components should not hiss, hum, or create these types of distractions. Is that too much to ask?

Some people feel that way - others actually like the snap crackle pop and hiss of Vinyl and hum from some types of older amp designs...

I have a theory that added noise can actually help us hear things in some cases, as it is well known that we hear "beat frequencies" that do not exist....so contrasting sounds against a noise floor may actually bring something to the experience. (It is also well known that we can "hear" up to 15 db BELOW a noise floor...again proof that noise does not necessarily block out what we hear...)
totally normal. they all do it. no amplifier is totally silent. If it was a slight hum, or buzz, i would say something is wrong, but a hiss/white-noise sound is fine.
04-18-08: Rcg412
"totally normal. they all do it. no amplifier is totally silent. If it was a slight hum, or buzz, i would say something is wrong, but a hiss/white-noise sound is fine."

I've tried different speaker cables and have the same result, the "white noise" remains. This noise does not change in intensity as the volume is increased and is always present even with no source connected.
I suppose I'll have to live with it, not such a big deal since at listening levels you can't hear it and the music sounds great. Thanks for all the input.