Who Has The Best service department

I gotta tell ya Martin Logan and Pass Labs have the best service department, I lost some allen screws and had a nasty scratch on my X-350 amp,I emailed them, Nelson Pass sent me a new face plate and the allen screws. NO CHARGE!!! Same goes for Martin Logan, Jim Powers is the best, super fast emails and for the part I needed to fix my logans, the price was very very low, no rip offs here. With a service department like that, I will never get rid of Pass or Martin Logans. Who does it for you!!!!
Conrad Johnson. They are always quick to respond to e-mails and answers to my questions on my DR-1 Transport. Impressive considering I am not the original owner.
I love conrad johnson ,I had a Dr-1 great transport, never had any problems, Ive heard good things about naim also, gotta try some
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I'm surprised no one has mentioned Bryston yet. Great products, superlative service. Its truly amazing how they have maintained their service levels despite growing so big. Don't be suprised if James Tanner personally answers any technical questions that you may have.