Who here has a Raven amplifier and what speakers do you have paired with it

The title pretty much explains it. I have a raven nighthawk mk3.1 paired with tannoy XT6F’s. I love the sound. It’s never harsh, very clear and dynamic and the bass hits with authority. I am curious who else has a raven amp and what speakers do you have paired with it. What’s your experience?
willgolf, that sounds like an amazing system. I will definitely be looking into speaker isolation and some pods for my amplifier. Maybe upgrade to the Blackhawk or the osprey within a year so I can take advantage of ravens upgrade deal. I definitely like ravens cables as well.
@james1911 -- if you haven't tried it yet, replace the stock power cord with something nicer. I swapped the stock cord on my Blackhawk MK3 with an Audio Envy Mega 3 power cord a few months ago. It was like someone added a rocket booster to the amp. 
I have a Blackhawk MK3 paired with Von Schweikert VR-33's, and am continually impressed with how lifelike they sound together.  
I get sound levels of 80-85 db with the volume control at 10-11 o'clock with my speakers 90db sensitivity. 
Had a Raven for 3 weeks paired with Salks… it was slightly underpowered for my inefficient speakers…. In addition the sub out wasn’t working properly.  However, it was a phenomenal amp. Much preferred over prima luna for some reason 🤷🏼‍♂️

Had a Belles Aria prior and now a Kinki Studio EXM1.  All 3 are exceptional for different reasons

I would highly recommend Raven
My Blackhawk is ordered, and according to James will be shipping early next week. Dave is very familiar with my Moab speakers, they have run their amps with Moabs at various shows to the point where he has his favorite tubes to pair with them. Which he will be sending me. So hopefully by the end of next week.....