Who in the North New Jersey area. to set up and dial in turntable?

Guys- who in the north jersey/NY area would you rec. I hire  to dial in the table, arm and cart-  As a newbee I just want to use a pro to be sure-thks
I highly recommend Michael Trei he set up my SG2, later replaced the tonearm and set up a new cartridge.
Whart....yes...  If you want John to come to your house, I'm sure that could be arranged.   If the object is to get the turntable done right, and if Arizona is too far away for Me to do it, then John is the man to get it done. 
How far North?  Audio Nexus in Summit New Jersey knows how to do great set up's.
guys thanks for the responses- Newbee question- I just bought a Reed 3P 12 inch arm with a Lyra Etna cart. that was prof. set up on the same turntable (firebird) that I have- I am picking it up tomorrow intact so I assume (or not) that if I just mount it on my table that it should be good to go since it was set up on the exact same table- Is this a fair assumption- again thks for the help!!
Do you have a stylus pressure gauge and the protractor for the arm, at a minimum? I don’t know enough about the Reed arm to advise on specific set up issues peculiar to it, but you want to make sure you’ve got overhang and alignment in the arm (zenith) correct. Azimuth can be adjusted with an instrument later, and VTA/SRA as well (though you could start neutral and adjust up or down by ear in the meantime). Again, I don’t know the arm, so perhaps somebody with knowledge can advise on specifics, but you want to get the basic parameters in place even if you are not getting everything perfect. (That often takes a while even with all the right instruments and some experience). In short, I don't think taking a pre-mounted (with cartridge) arm from one table and mounting to another (even if the same table) assures correct basic set up without checking some of these parameters.