Have some Lavricables, high purity silver interconnects that I like.
Who out there wants to, or has, validated an amazing cable find?
I own a very decent audio system and have slowly been moving up over the last several decades weeding out less-natural sounding equipment and focusing on best sound for my money (what I can afford). My current gear is a collect of Quad, Pass, Klyne, VPI, soekris and a fairly large collection of Kimber, audio quest, Furutech, Cardas, Straightwire, DH Labs cables built up over time.
I have come across lots of high-priced gear that isn't faithful to the music. My reference has always been unamplified voice and instruments and attend such concerts regularly though they are hard to find (but still easy if you live near a major city).
It always a pleasure to come across gear that is low priced and exceeds higher priced gear when it comes to faithful reproduction of music holding to the live unamplifed sound standard.
I have recently purchased some ATAUDIO cables from Aliexpress that have left me stunned due to low price and performance. Recommended by another audiophile who seemed credible and owned good equipment so decided to give them a try.
A $26 1 meter ATAUDIO copper interconnect cables is running neck and neck my Cardas Clear interconnects and beaten my Cardas clear Cygnus interconnect cables when it comes to clarity, lack of edge and sibilance, warm open holographic sound reproduction.
Would someone here with a good resolving audio system give one of the ATAUDIO cables a try? The price is noise for us who have invested in decent (high-end) audio system.
ATAUDIO power cords and Interconnects have proved amazing. About to try their speaker cables. I would not recommend their silver cables. I tried them and while they sound more robust and full than their copper cables the silver cables have the a high frequency edge similar to other silver cables I have heard.
Just looking for couple of regular posters here to give the ATAUDIO cables a try.
Can't resist passing along an audio bargain.
If you don't believe in cables making differences please don't post here and go do something else as you have already found your happiness.
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- 102 posts total
I have never owned any of the stratospherically priced cables, however in my search over the last several years, I found that Audio-Envy cables were the best sounding in my system from a $$$-to-performance perspective. Recently, I had the opportunity to try Iconoclast cables as they have a 30-day money back guarantee. While they are definitely more expensive than the Audio-Envy, the Iconoclast speaker cables have made a notable improvement in micro-detail in the mid and treble ranges and improvements in the depth and width of the sound stage. I would highly recommend you try both the Audio-Envy speaker cables and the Iconoclast speaker cables as they both have a return policy. Yes... They are priced quite differently but both cables are really good sounding with Iconoclast edging out the Audio-Envy enough for me to spring for those. The Iconoclasts are ultrasonically-welded to the connectors. And there is a really good reason proven scientifically that they are woven in the way they are. Also, should you try either, please give them at least 50 - 75 hours of break-in or more. They both smooth out with break-in. One final comment, the law of diminishing returns (also balanced with level of discretionary income) is different for each of us. In my opinion, $-for-$, Audio-Envy is the one to beat. At least in my system ! |
I do not have "an amazing cable find" but I want to confirm that previously reported Chinese Valhalla 2 flat speaker cables iare a great find. These have moved my listening to another level for $205 (2.5 meters). The vendor is RMDigital. You can find more information on the Chinese cable threads.
System is Tidal>optical rendu>Pontus>Doge 10 or Coda Csib> QAcoustics Concept 500 speakers. Room is somewhat acoustically treated. |
Like most of us, I started with average components and cheap cables. After getting a few nicer components, I tried more expensive cables. More expensive meant Blue Jeans, cheap good deals on random cables, etc. These did improve things and made me feel better about my cables. When I moved up the chain again in components, I took members advice and sought help from The Cable Company. I tried many, and landed on Audience AU24SX. I quickly acquired a full loom as they are easily available used / demos. So I thought I was done. Well, when I moved up the component ladder one more time, my dealer said hey, let me try different speaker cables to compare. Wow. I can not unhear these improvements. Fuller, richer, better bass, and still very resolving. So I sold all of my Audience (easy) and now have a full loom of Kubala Sosna, and like @pennfootball71 , now have all Realization in my main system. They are the real deal. This is not being arrogant, they just sound better to me and to me they are worth it. But, having a vacation cabin with an audio system, I try to be value conscious in that system. For me, Zavfino hits the mark. Their Aradia copper cables are very nice and a great deal in my opinion. I do not like silver in my system as too bright and flashy. So I understand value conscious shoppers, but also hear the quality as does our Penn fan. I believe in synergy of cable type and brand. It just all comes together. I have also made nice cables. In my family room my speaker cable runs are very long. This is my second system. so I did not want to go crazy. I landed on Furutech FS Alpha 36 from VH Audio. I got all the heat shrink I needed, Furutech gold plated spades, and made beautiful long speaker cables. I can solder and I bought a heat gun for the shrink. I installed these on the high / mid speaker binding posts, and left my generic thick copper cables on the bass posts. This change was transformational in this system, and was unapproachable with nice commercial cables (runs were 25 feet each). My interconnects and power cables in that system are Elation, so the speaker cables were the bottleneck. Huge improvement and a fun project. So there are better cables at all price points, you just have to find them, and for me they are not made in China. I hope I spelled etc correctly!. |
Lots of views here. I am a firmly midfi guy so take everything I say from that perspective. I use an assortment of wires from Audioquest, Shunyata, DH Labs (good value) The Chord Company, Nanotec (outstanding value), Furutech and some from China - various makers. I am not going to claim that Chinese cables that cost $50 rival $10,000 wires but some sound pretty good and are holding a place in my current system. You must be selective. I currently assemble most of my power cables. I started out buying Furutech parts at full retail and had some success and some disappointments. I have found some Chinese sourced bulk power cables and connectors that are great, but you have to buy and try to determine which ones from which venders are effective, and which just look pretty. I use an ATAUDIO interconnect for my subwoofer and like how that sounds. I have an Audiomeca power cable that is supposedly OCC copper that looks lovely, comes in a nice box, cost a little over a hundred bucks and rivals the sound of power cables I have and have tried costing $500-$800. I am currently using it to power my Swagman Labs SE linear power supply for my analog front end with great satisfaction. I bought a Xangsane “7N OCC silver plated power cable” for under $100 on a lark and it sounds terrific. My son is currently using it in his Naim/Rega/ATC/REL system side by side with quality Audioquest, Naim, DHLabs and Isotek power cables. Not saying it is an Audioquest Hurricane killer, just saying it is a good value if you can overlook the hideous lime green color and component lifting stiffness. I bought a Chinese replica of a $3,000 Furutech power cable for $100 and got what I paid for. Looks great, sounds just OK. I bought some “Valhalla” speaker jumpers from China that are supposedly silver plated OCC to replace the stock metal plates on some Wharfedale Diamond 12.0s in a second system, and WOW, are they good. They cost $45 and are worth every penny. Compared to some other jumpers I’ve tried made from bulk wire and other store bought versions, these phony knock offs are hands down better. It takes a long time to burn them in, but they make the little Wharfedales sound like much more expensive speakers. Lastly, out of curiosity I bought some $45 interconnects from China that look very much like $19,000 top of the line wires from a certain US vender. I put them in my system and gave them every chance to impress me, and ultimately they didn’t. They weren’t completely awful, but my Nanotec wires with Furutech rhodium plugs sound way better. Those Chinese wires are now gracing my spare cable box. YMMV kn |
- 102 posts total