Who R U?

A while back Garfish mentioned he lked the idea of getting to know some of us better.As no one has started a thread like this before I will take the plunge.I have been involved in and read many heated exchanges here in AudioGon.I hope no one attacks me for this thread saying "who cares about you,this is audio" Anyway,Im 45 and live in W.N.Y.I have never been married but have a music loving 11 year old daughter who lives with me.I have been a nurse for 20 years.Before that I was a Navy Corpsman for several years.I recently became engaged (first time) to a beautiful 30 year old music loving woman.At my age a 30 year old is a keeper and I have never been happier!! My other interests??Im into vinyl,who has time for anything else??
my turn i suppose. i am a 27 year old obsessive compulsive audio enthusiast, er i mean audiophile. i realized i had a problem when i spent 6 weeks stalking preamps. somehow i have found time to graduate with a b.s. in mathematics and attend graduate studies in education so i can continue learnin' my students. i teach statistics at a two year college and algebra at a private secondary academy. i work as a professional tutor in mathematics, primarily high school and undergraduate levels, and help coordinate a federally funded program to assist esl students in preparing for the sat test. when i'm not doing all that or running, mountain biking, caring for my dogs or on audiogon, i listen to music, all kinds, as much as possible. actually i've noticed that if i have access to music, i can't be in a room without it for more than say 5 to 10 minutes. when i realized this one day, i knew that an investment in hifi would suit my life perfectly and bring me many, many hours and days and years of joy.
i fell into the world of hifi when i thought it was time to update a 18 yr old kenwood system my father gave to me. i went to a local hifi shop and purchased a receiver, little did i know, a cdp and a pair of floorstanders. since then i've found a better use for my receiver in my fathers ht setup, replaced the cdp and still use the paradigms. the receiver wasn't too much of a blunder since i communicated to the salesman that ht was likely in my future anyway and i didn't think i could afford a better integrated or separates then. so of course i quickly rationalized the expense of about $600 and picked up some cambridge audio separates. i just happened that the same dealer sold rogue audio, so as you can expect, within 2 months i rationalized the expense of about $4k on a very sweet pair of rogue separates. i finally felt and still feel very settled and satisfied with what i have now based on what i hear when i listen and what i have since learned. can't learn a damn thing without a few mistakes. at least that's what some professor said to me while we were talking one day.
so enough babbling, i think this will give you a good enough idea of who i am.
Grandpad, here is another old fart, ten years your senior in fact, to welcome you, not as graceously as cfb was able to, however just as heartfelt. I went through the same as you did, only thankfully her suffering was just a few months. I also found solace in music and tinkering around with my gear. Have a very happy New Year!
grandpad: you, as i, are just one of many old farts on this forum who continue to listen and to learn. i regret the loss of your partner. at the same time, i envy you for your grandchildren; i'm still awaiting the birth, no, conception, of my names' sake. i've enjoyed reading your posts on the 'gon. welcome, friend. may you continue to grace our group with your yearning and wisdom. -cfb
At 59 I'm one of the more senior citisens in this group - 3 grandkids, and semi-retired. Spent most of my career in banking, and was fortunate that my career led to oversees assignments in London and Tokyo, the latter a particularly educational experience.

After spending the past 40+ years living in major metropolitan centers I recently sold my coop in NYC, and now make what had been the summer home of my late wife and I in Southampton, NY my permanent home.

Having lost my partner of 25 years to cancer a year ago ending a 7 year battle, I slowly emerged from my funk helped in part by re-discovering my old hobby of music and audio equipment, in that order. I soon decided that my 20+ year old gear could use an updating, and was fortunate to discover Audiogon, where I've dabbled in some used equipment and leaned on many of you for advice.

I've beem looking around at some local businesses to take an interest in, and my first was to use my personal funds to set up a line of credit for a local dealer to fund the expanion his product lines. Obviously I'm not doing it to make a lot of money, but to keep the grey cells working and have some fun.

If anyone finds their way out to eastern Long Island please drop by - lots of audio gear, cds and lps - plus extra bedrooms and a pool in the backyard!

Happy New Year to All!!!

Doug (the grandkids call me Grandpa D)
Rivercitylad and Bioman, could I ask your first names or do you prefer your tag names?
Welcome aboard! and Rivercitylad, yer gonna need an escape-WOW - 3 teenagers AT ONCE! I hope they are boys :)
I am 45 and married to the same lovely lady for 24 years with 2 teenagers, a yellow Labrador and a Tom Cat...plus numerous neighborhood strays we feed.... I currently live in Texas where I was recently transferred by my hospital system. I am the manager of the Biomedical Engineering program for our facilities in central Texas. I am a graduate of the Newark College of Engineering. I enjoy audio and building furniture...two expensive hobbies. My wife has been patient through it all..... I told you she was a lovely lady! At times I have been able to combine the two hobbies, making speaker cabinet prototypes for several audio designers I became acquainted with in New Jersey where I used to live, bartering services for equipment. I am currently in the process of speaker shopping, and have a sick fetish for large line source designs. My first exposure to the hobby was in my teens when I literally built a pair of speakers into a “built in bookcase” in my bedroom and assembled several heath kits to cover the usual electronics...at the time I thought it sounded great. Many years later and many upgrades later I am still searching for the Holy Grail. I am a recovering vinyl junky and love classical music and rock/pop.
rivercitylad: i've seen your moniker on a number of posts and guessed at where you are from. good to know more about you and happy to have you aboard. -kelly
I am a 59 year old semi-retired restaurant developer from beautiful Spokane, Wa. I have been married for 15 years and have three kids that are 10 12 and 14. I have only been involved in this hobby for one year, but I can see how addictive it is. I am amazed at the amount of knowledge that is avaliable on this site. I hope to be able to contribute a little more when I become more knowledgeable. Looking forward to the CES show. Best regards to all. Rivercitylad
nhorton: welcome back to the 'gon from a fellow coloradan. if you're interested in attending some openhouses in denver to hear some of the best components available, send me a private email and i'll get you on "the list." -kelly
I am 21 and have been doing hifi for about 10 years now. I got hooked when my father bought a B&O system (yes, I know what you're thinking) and I came to understand that there were stereos made by companies other than Sony. I just graduated from college and am a software engineer with Hewlett Packard in Ft. Collins, Colorado. I used to be really active on Audiogon but left for a while when the board got shut down, but I am glad to be back. My hobbies are music, movies, reading and trying to explain to people that Bose is not the end-all in stereos.
Hi Frank! If you're not already a member (can't tell from the handle) I'd like to invite you to join the NJ Audio Society (part of this is selfish, I'd like to force you to host a meeting so we can hear those systems!). Welcome aboard! Whereabouts in NJ you from, if I may ask?
pfkdmiac: yo, frank. you certainly belong here. multiple systems. still playin' vinyl. planning for the next upgrade. and the one after the one after that. doesn't seem like you need any suggestions. but keep on askin'. somebody's sure to answer. -cfb
Hi my name is Frank and have been involved with this hobby for over 22 years. I am 46 live in Nj with three kids and my wife of twenty four years. My first system was a NAD 3140 intergrated driving DCM Time Windows with an NAD turntable. I still have the NAD and my sister has the DCM. I just ordered a Antique Sound Labs 30w tube intergrated and will finally retire my NAD(but still keep it). My main system is a CAT SKi mk11 preamp with CJ Premier 11a driving Revel Performa F30 with a Classe cdp 5 and VPI Hw 19 with Benz Glider all hooked up with Mit 330 and 750 tube terminators. The budget system will now be the asl 30 watt driving BW 302 withMIT 330 interconnect to Marantz CD 63 and Audioquest Slate wires. If anyone has any suggestions I always listen
Detlof, one release is on the "The Blues Brothers" film album. There are many others I don't remember right now unfortunately -- but can research if you wish!
Greg, can you help?
Minnie the Moocher's melody is singing in my mental ear...but on what record is it? Have you any idea? and Dave, a hearty welcome!
no greg..calloway,as in the golf club manufacturer by the same name.thanks for the welcome.
great thread..my name is dave smith 'calloway'.married...9 cats (7 inside),and a 130lb old english sheepdog,also inside.i am a physician assistant,by profession,work 3 days a week in an urgent care facility.i also own a home health care facility and a surgical assistant business.golf is my 'other' addiction,although not quite as expensive as my audio sickness.listening to music,classical,jazz,or rock,through a great system,bringing me as close to the real event as possible,is my passion.it has cost alot to get to that point but i am almost there...at least for this week.i am originally from florida..went to the u of f,was drafted after getting out,2 wks later (yes i am old...54 to be exact),spent 4 years in the air force (inlisted after getting my draft notice) and then went to duke university for physician assistant-bs.great thread..keep it going
Greetings all...

I have really enjoyed this thread so far; I guess it is time for me to contribute, as well.

Most everyone knows me as "Bart" anymore, the use of my "real" first name only registers if my parents say it. I am nearly 41 years old and live near Grand Rapids, MI. I am single, which is probably the single greatest reason I can indulge in this passion, my SAF=0. I am a civil engineer by training and have been in practice for 17 years.

I best descibe myself as the McGuyver of the environmental field...a little bit engineer, little bit chemist, little bit geologist, little bit maintenance mechanic, and a large part manager. Most of my colleagues suggest I have more money than brains; I make it worse by describing my system as a 1.2 kilowatt system that uses large sheets of mylar to reproduce sound.

I have had the bug for more than 20 years now...I blame it all on my high school wrestling coach. I had no idea that records could sound like his stacked DQ-10s, apt-holman pre, and Citation 16 amp. Of course, it took a while for the income to catch up to the desire, but now, by his own (the coach's) admission, the student has become the master...he drools in my basement today!

My current system is comprised of the Innersound Eros Mk II speaker/active crossover/bass amp electrostatic speaker system, a companion Innersound electrostatic amplifier to drive the panels, and an Audio Research CD-2 as my single source. All cabling by Nordost. Just retired my ARC LS-22 pre and am feeding the CD signal straight in the the input of the active cross-over. GLORIOUS! Secondary and tertiary systems are predominantly mid-fi, and adequate to video or office needs.

This is probably my most chereished diversion from day-to-day life and the rigors of work. This one year plus old thread was a delightful discovery. I will have to make it a point to check back to audiogon more often. (And, now that I am back I should sieze the opportunity and sell some of my retired peices!)

Best regards to all
Chris - welcome! Love the name, there must be a story behind it!
well, this is a great place to keep learning and finding the deals when you are ready to upgrade - once that bug hits, stand back! I think you would be really surprised how reasonably you can ACTUALLY upgrade if you shop well and buy from someone that you can trust. I, too had a mid-fi HT system when I first came here a few years ago, now it's got Rowland and Classe amps and InnerSound ESL's (even beta testing Roger's new ribbon speaker for our center channel). I started the speaker cable upgrades, but am not finished, I still have the surrounds to do, and I just started really upgrading the IC's. A little at a time and it sure is fun to hear the difference! It's a wonderful journey - I hope that you are having as much fun as I am! Cheers, Angela
knucklenutz: what a great, appropriate name for a cabinet maker. good to have you among us. BTW, do you have any digital images of your projects you'd care to share? -kelly
Well ...I've been putzin' around audiogon for about two years...drooling over all the High-end audio and making my wish list for when I hit the lottery...I'm 26 from a small tourist town in Wisconsin called Hayward....home of the best Musky fishing in the Country....I've been a Custom Cabinet builder for 8 years...Been Building custom Speaker boxes for myself and others for 3 years...usally out of 1 inch MDF and then covering them with laminate or veneer...so if any of you have a project and need boxes ..drop me a line...Been an avid home theater nut for 5 years...my system consists of mid priced components...Kenwood vr-4900 recieverKenwood 1070 ke EquilizerEchostar Dishplayer sattelite reciever and Webtvpioneer Cld-704 laserdisc playerSony Playstation 24 Yamaha MX-1 Power ampsL-R Main speakers Custom Dyna-AudioCenter Speaker Custom Dyna-AudioSurround Speakers Fluance TowersSubs Parts Express Titanic 12" x236 rca direct-view HDTV readyTechnics AN-10 DVD-audio playerTheta TLCMonarchy DIPMSB link-dac IIand Monster Interconnects through-out the system......not much....but I'm Happy.....when you start out low you always have a reason to upgrade...but I always shop here first...well thats me...Chris
HI Driver. Nice to hear from you. What kind of audio gear do you have in your truck? I spend a fair amount of time in my Jeep Cherokee, and the road noise is a real drag.
I've been visiting this site for about a year & thought I would share some of my background. So much to say without writing a short story, so I'll just make it a vignette. I was in Germany '62-'65 so I heard the Beatles pretty much as my first major influence (I was 8 then). It was different from the Al Jolson & Exodus my dad used to play. Fast forward to the mid/late 70's. I had been out of the Navy for awhile & wound up in St. Louis as a combination truck driver/soundman/roadie for a rock band. It was tough going then as disco was big. I remember sitting at the Sun board just pretending I had a giant stereo! Now I'm trying to work within a budget to upgrade my system to get whatever sound appeals to me. I also have a fully equipped garage & play with cars & trucks in my spare time and of course I have a garage stereo too. I really enjoy listening to my system but after going through a period of having a fixation with material things, namely Harley Davidson motorcycles, I could live without a stereo. I'd rather not, mind you, but could if need be. My only necessity is my faith in God, not just since or because of Sept. 11, but because it is the only thing that makes sense in this world. Sorta heavy, but hey, the question is "Who R U". My source of income is derived from driving a tractor-trailer, although I studied geology/geography so I could make up my mind. As for this hobby, the stereo lets me escape into a magical world of make believe & for awhile I get to go there & get away from it all.
To Cornfed,Mcn,Swampman and Garfish. Thanks for your kind and thouhtful comments.
jvia: sounds to me like you're gettin' an education no money can buy. i envy your priorities. welcome aboard & keep us posted about the nashville scene.
- cfb
Well I am leaving in about an hour to go hear about 30 of the best damn Bluegrass musicians in the world. Every Sunday night, Stagecoach Inn on 12th Sreet(Nashville) has an open mike jam. All the old timers and traditionalist stay up front, all the New Grass and Jazz Grass go to a couple of rooms in the back or just out the back door and it is smokin for about 5 hours. Incredible players, one walks in, one walks out, never missing a beat. I want to do a simple stereo mike and record it so bad sometimes I can't hardly stand it. What a recording it could be. That and I am a folk finger picker and I learn so much just watching.
I'm not a big country fan, but some of it is so well done and guys like Vince Gill can just flat out play, you gotta marvel at the talent, even if you don't always like the music, no matter whose it is. Good playing is good playing, a good recording is a good recording, a good song is a good song. Just so much great music here, so little time.
Hi John, hope to hear from you here frequently. Any check out the old threads on C&W and Guilty Pleasures, you'll find more than a few of us dip into the country, bluegrass, and traditional wells.
John J Via
2118 Acklen Ave # 12
Nashville Tn 37212
615 260 9569
47, moved here almost 2 years ago now on a whim,from FTW TX.
Got into selling used audio by accident and now pretty much do it for my living,(great town for old analog, JBL L series)get to hear a lot of great music(and no folks, it ain't all country by a long shot,the likes of Janis Ian live here, and she put out one of the best recorded CDS I had ever heard to that date, and for a while beyond, Breaking Silence) as a reference, and get to hear live on the cheap. But not only that, I get to do these things that I genuinely love. So thats why the address and phone. You want to talk or read or write about this stuff, send it on.
I only occasionally check on this thread-- glad to see it's still going strong. Thanks Evo845 for sharing your personal and painful experiences with us. IMO, it takes a strong man to admit those kind of feelings and "weaknesses". And I think CFB's compassionate response was excellent too. I can assure all that I too have been at or near the bottom of the barrel. My sister also died of ovarian cancer-- at age 48. Thanks for sharing, and welcome aboard. I sincerely hope that you can enjoy the music.

The terrible events of September 11, 2001 may cause many of us to re-assess Who We R. Craig
...I am consider myself a lazy looser since I've been playing music myself and right now only listening. I've put my accordeon, guitar somewhere in the far past because of being lazy to practice more and gain new repertoire to build up myself as a musician. Still, the trace of music lives inside of me and I like to listen to it. I've been always surrounded with plenty of records and tapes in my home since I was 4: tales, children songs, pop songs etc...
Once when I was arround 6 my radiola broke down (probably output stage) and it did not produce any sound -- so I listened to my records with my ear very close to the cartridge...
I've started taking music lessons(approx. at 7): Accordeon, Piano, Solphedgio(music grammar) and later on played in junior orchestra of the folk instruments. Life was going on and there were some interferance factors such as soccer, girls, fishing and music started to lay back. I've almost forgot already how to read notes and my accordeon is under my bed is for the good 10 years.
My mother always said that I was sick with my records treating them like my friends and was very dissapointed when I aquired for myself a separate component system when I was 15. (The money I've earned playing in the wedding band) That was my father's approximately 1.5 months salary.
If I did not buy that system I would probably be still playing music for living, since was taking a good part of my time: listening instead of practicing, showing it off to the girls, making parties, collecting records another words listening music is much easier hobby than playing it.
But despite everything negative above said, I was depended on my parents when I had my first system and did not realize that music earnings that I've aquired were big and at the same time not constant and stable -- it's very high competition and weddings, parties are just human occasions but not the constant way of living. To step all the way up to be a professional musician that able to hold up to a competition takes a lot of time of practicing, bringing every time a new repertoire, investments and showing off i. e. advertising yourself how good you are. That did not happen. I've graduated College as an Electrical Engineer and got some grip on designing and understanding simple and complicated electric circuits. Love to audio increases! I am employed as a Business Analyst right now for almost 6 years already and started to forget some basics of tube and semi-conductor electronics which I immediately will recall soon digging out my college books again as a hobby already.
Calling all N.E. ohio audiophiles ,are you out there? It's hard finding others who share this hobby.If you are within 60 miles of Cleveland ,give me a shout. Tom
Kelly ,Do you have any experience with other Hi-end cables?Valhalla,Stealth,Tara Zero,Omega Mikros'Ebony?Wondered about comparisons.Thanks for the welcome.Tom
get on in here, tom! happy to welcome you to the internet's finest audio pub. -kelly
My name is Tom.I'm 38 and have been interested in audio since I was 16.I've worked on the fringe of audio for some time.Have helped Terrasong with phono design,Yankee audio with his reference system and worked at Salon 1 Audio before it expired.In 98 I helped Lloyd Walker at the CES{Alexis Park}.I have a wide interest in muic.I was firmly in the analoge camp before the arrival of Burmesters cdp001.I still love records but you can't beat the simplicity of CD--Oh well!Tom,Hope that's a good start!
Evo- Sorry to hear your troubles; hope that music and this hobby give you some pleasure. Anyways, we are happy to have you aboard and anxious to learn from you and offer any advice, help, whatever we can.
evo845: your post here is poignant and very sad. first, permit me to say that you are wrong about people abhorring folks in so much pain they can't function normally. you have every right to feel pain, and grief, and anger, and anything else that comes to you. i was confused and depressed, too, when my mom was dying of cancer and my law firm was simultaneously imploding. it was hard to find joy in my kids, my wife, or even my ceaselessly cheerful dogs. my only pleasure was sleep, and that came fitfully, if at all. no one can possibly understand the horror you surely went through witnessing your father's death. nor the overwhelming feeling of unfairness at your mother's dying so young. it took me two years of intensive psychotherapy and the ingestion of several psychotropic drugs to come slowly out of my clinically depressed state. but these therapies worked for me. it took several years for me to admit my condition to friends, let alone strangers. i can now, because that is part of who i am. you've already done a very brave thing in posting your feelings about yourself, even anonymously. i urge you to share your feelings with others who can help you, if you haven't done so already. you are not alone. too many, in fact, feel as desperate as you. i will be happy to communicate with you privately, if you care to. best wishes, evo. -kelly
I find great peaceful refuge in Jesus. The GOD sent him to fill that big hole in you heart. The same GOD that gave you the ability to enjoy music. God gave man the great gift of free will so crazy things happen in life. But GOD wants to know you personally and fill that hole. I am in constant pain and suffer every hour of every day. So you can't buy family or relief. But there is still hope of joy and peace in your life. I just thought that since someone is crying out that emptiness hurts, I would let them know that pain is universal. And that there is nothing more satifying than GODliness with contentment. Find that peace. It is even free.
For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever would believe in him would not perish(spiritually) but would have everlasting life. And this is promised for now. Not later. Oh yea. I dig audio too! But I have to work everyday. Dale
WHO R U?? Interesting question. I used to know who I was and what I wanted life to be.Now life changes and tragedy happens to us all and it makes me confused and wounder what life is all about or supposed to be about.
I,ve traveled all over the world,I finnaly have a descent system to listen to,I live on a tropical Island and work 2-3 hours a day.I play golf 3-4 times a week and I scuba dive around the wrecks left over from WW2.
This all sounds so good but I find myself unable to be happy like I was and thought I should be after all these materialistic items.Now life goes by and is material items so important, I learned 15yrs. ago when my mother died at 42 of ovarian cancer that material items were just that, no matter what you cannot buy family. Since then I tried to keep a lid on material Items. Then last year my father was killed in front of me and life just cant get any worst.People say they care and you can talk to them, but you really cant because people dont want to here your problems and they dont like a man that they see as weak. Lets face it people man and women dont like weakness. So what does one do when there is no one you can talk to anymore. My father was my best friend and has time goes by the pain gets worst and nobody wants to here about other peoples problems or PAIN.
So has this question saids WHO R U I dont KNOW
Thanks CFB. I'm a Texan by choice and very proud of it. It's a good thing we have a Texan in charge right now with all the problems we are facing in America...Happy listening.

Hi, I'm a 36 years old computers nerd from Texas. I've been into HIFI for as long as I can remember. The first "REAL" system was from college with fake pawn shop Monitor speakers, Technique intergrated, and Radio Shack Realistic tape player. The first used pioneer cd player was such a treat. Then came the Onkyo home system completely with turn table and still the used pioneer cd player (This system is still in the closet today with the exception of the used cd player). Next in line was a used Carver system which was actually quite nice until a room mate decided that it was his system and took it with him when he moved out. Next came Maranz and yes BOSE Acoustimass. Currently the home theater room consist of Definitive Technology, ATI, and Meridian 561. The music room is setup with Dynaudio C5, Classe, and Sonic Frontiers. Life is good. Happy listening everybody.
This thread continues to grow and grow.Many members still hiding out though.Please,you shy ones.Tell us.. WHO R U ?
FranticFrank,DesMoines,46,Auto shop owner,avid audio addict,purchaser of fine things and human to one killer rat terrier! Been listening since Jimmy asked "hey Joe where ya goin".Before then I only heard the noise.
Tthomas-lucky you! I second Comfedboy on being fortunate to spend time with your kids. Mine are 17 and 24. The older one is on his own and paying his own bills, while the younger is a senior in high school. Both love my music (mostly classic rock and roll). Watch out if you have any nude styli around - maybe CD is a better choice although sonically inferior to LPs with a good 'table. I still don't understand how all this voodoo (upsampling, etc) can restore something that was never there in the first place.