Who's your guitar daddy now?

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The three “J”s (Jimi, Jimmy & Johnny) and EC.
Another that died far too young, Jim Croce’s sideman
Maury Muehleisen.
And a certified guitar goddess, Elena Papandreou.
I saw Elena play live at Northwestern University and could not believe my eyes (or ears). Perfection.
though there are lots of talented young guitarists, davey knowles from BACK DOOR SLAM stands alone (in 'his' generation) as a guitar 'god'....and yes i've seen them all....he rivals beck, clapton, kossoff, cippolina, and...yes, hendrix in their heyday....mayer and all the three-name-kids could taken lessons from davey(who just turned 21).....eddie kramer is working on their next record, and townshend and daltrey asked them to play dates with the who.