To my ears, speaker cables make an audible difference. Notice that I said "audible." Has changing cables around taken my system from good to great? No. But each incremental improvement adds up. As far as the "pseudoscience" of cables goes, it seems to me that every manufacturer has to have a gimmick or sizzle to sell their cables. I have a pair of MIT S1.3 cables. I like them. I think that the marketing, i.e., the "poles of articulation" is probably just nonsense, but I like the cables. I have Morrow MA7 cables now and I like them slightly better than the MIT's. Do I think that Morrow's "SSI" sizzle makes more sense that "poles of articulation?" Not really, but I like the way they sound. So the sizzle is irrelevant. Soun in your system counts. Probably the higher end you go, the more cables make a difference, I suppose. But it seems to me that at some point you are limited by the source material, and the best cables will not change a bootleg of Led Zeppelin into a well-recorded masterpiece. My 2 cents.