If you want to test a listener, engage an audiologist. That’s what they do.
If you want to make your blind cable test even more meaningful, you’ll want subjects that think cables make a difference as well as those who don’t think cables make a difference. And if you’re really ambitious, you’ll also include some listeners who don’t care - or have no opinion - one way or the other. The last blind test that I participated in years ago did just that, and it made the results even more interesting.
@roberttdid if you are really serious about conducting some blind tests, please provide us with some details about your plan.
You just raised pedantic to a whole new level.If you think the presentation of facts is pedantry, then you’re confused. Here’s an example of pedantry:
Let me type this slowly so that it is totally clear. I have run many blind tests ...Do you see the difference?
It’s hard to put bias into a test process that involves nothing more than swapping cables ...Actually, it’s very easy to introduce bias into a test itself. There are mountains of information on this and I’m surprised that you don’t understand that. (I suspect that you do understand the nature of biased testing, and that you just prefer to not have to address it.)
Remember what is being tested. What is being tested is that the person making the claim of (usually) a readily apparent audible difference is able to actually perceive in a blind situation the difference.Again, you are confused. A proper double-blind listening test does not test the listener, it tests the device under test (DUT). You cannot scientifically test for two things at the same time.
If you want to test a listener, engage an audiologist. That’s what they do.
If you want to make your blind cable test even more meaningful, you’ll want subjects that think cables make a difference as well as those who don’t think cables make a difference. And if you’re really ambitious, you’ll also include some listeners who don’t care - or have no opinion - one way or the other. The last blind test that I participated in years ago did just that, and it made the results even more interesting.
@roberttdid if you are really serious about conducting some blind tests, please provide us with some details about your plan.