Why are all the Virtual Systems mega-assaults now?

I've noticed that more recently nearly all of the activity on the virtual systems is with really decked-out systems in lavish rooms with $50K speakers and electronics, cables, and single malt Scotch to match.

Don't get me wrong, sometimes it's nice to see how the upper crust live. But I've always viewed a strength of the virtual systems as showing how people have put together budget items with great synergy. What ever happened to the guys with the Adcom amp and PSB speakers posting about the continuing evolution of their systems? (Maybe they've updated to a spiffy room, speakers that require a forklift to position, MBL electronics, and cables that each cost more than my car.)

I guess Albert Porter's system gets a lot more traffic because people like discussing systems like that, but I really do miss seeing new "bang for the buck" units pop up on the virtual systems and admiring their ingenuity for putting it together.

Am I the only one who's a little disappointed with this?

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Quote Bflowers

"In reality any system that costs over $10,000 is a megabuck system. That's what my wife thinks ours costs and she is apalled"

Your wife is a smart lady. $10.000 is about 1/3 of my net year income.
Bflowers, You'd better hope your wife doesn't keep secrets (and not just financial ones) like you do. Did you ever stop to think that with five minutes work on the internet she can add up the price of all your toys and discover your lies? That's true for all the men who think they're so clever they can B.S. their women. It'll come home to roost.

In time there may be some more equipment for sale on Agon.
I wonder how many "Megasystems" have been built on the broken backs of relationships?

I would rather listen to a POS stereo and have peace with my wife than hear great gear and live a lie every time I listen.
The $10,000 figure was hyperbole. My wife knows what each item in the system costs to within 15% I would guess. She probably doesn't think of things like cables and such if she were pressed to come up with an exact figure. It is a situation where I believe she would rather not know exactly what this stuff costs. I do firmly believe that she thinks a stereo over 10,000 is excessive, but we have the means, so it's OK. (That's what I keep telling myself :-)) Anyway, Lying to one's spouse (in my opinion) is never acceptable. Therefore I never do it. She may ask, I'll start stuttering, then she will say never mind.
Just reread your message Douglas. That was pretty aggressive and presumptuous. A bit of a high price to pay for a joke, no?
Bflowers, you are looking at deception only from the positive form - actually speaking something false. There is also a negative form, a passive form, which involves withholding information. It is just as problematic. A person who withholds requested information is wrong to consider himself as not having lied just because he kept from stating something false.

Hence the stuttering, as it would be in your mind a "lie" to state something misleading. But you may want to withhold critical information and justify that as not lying because you didn't actually say something false.

"She may ask..." means she has asked and you have balked, knowing the information would not be taken well.

Withholding important information from the spouse is a passive form of lying. It usually requires a list of justifications in the mind.

A man is either going to be straight with his wife or not. Being straight/transparent means she knows the truth about what SHE wants to know when she asks, not what you want her to know. And you won't have to stutter for more than a nanosecond.

Your wife must love you very much. It seems she sees you struggling with it, not wanting to actively lie and she drops it so as to ease your conscience, and also likely she may fear what money is being spent. My guess is she knows the equipment costs far, far more than she would ever want to be spent on it. It also seems she's not given a say in the matter, and it's likely this bothers her. Over time that can build resentment. You may find it very productive to discuss the issue with her.