Why are Ayon tube amps not mentioned very often?

Have been in the tube world for the past few years and I am on my 3rd & best one so far, the Ayon Triton Integrated Amp.  For me it is one of, if not the best looking tube amps I've seen and it sounds fantastic running in Pure Class A!  When I read these forums and tube amps are talked about, it is a lot of the same ones that are mentioned:  PrimaLuna, Quicksilver, Line Magnetic, Acoustic Research, Cary, etc. Since I have not owned any of those, I am curious how Ayon compares?  I am thinking that for almost $10,000 retail that my Triton should compare with the best of them, but why are they not more popular and talked about?  Thanks a lot for your feedback!
Ag insider logo xs@2xgrover30
BiBBLE BABLE I personally love the directness! I enjoy a little more meat on the bone also
So many nice brands that lack advertisement or representation in some parts of the world, but that does not subtract of their sonic value. Ayon, Audia Flight, Lavardin, Norma, Mactone, Mulidine, to name a few, there are more others that cut it the same or better from the ones most people know or heard of.
I’m good with direct, but not the sarcastic sharpshooting and puffery. For various reasons, one of which I suspect as fragile self esteem, forums adopt a tough love mentality.

It’s a stereo site, not exactly a bloodthirsty hobby. Nobody is calling for the National Guard to control a rogue band of stereo enthusiasts. 
I bet we can lose the bite and make this site enjoyable rather than a person needing a Valium to muster up the courage to post. 
I think Zesto Audio products look better than Ayon and they're made in the US. Anyone auditioning Ayon should also consider Zesto, especially for phono stages.
I have a Viva Solistino integrated Amp, but the Ayon Crossfire was a serious contender. That was before the Ayon dealer mentioned the cost to replace some of the tube's.