Why Are HI-RES Downloads So Expensive?

I have been looking into a new (to me) DAC, capable of the newer high resolution formats (DSD, MQA and so on).  In so doing, I've perused the high res download sites and noted what is available.  My question to the group is, why are album/music download products so expensive?  There are no more manufacturing or distribution costs relating to CD's or LP's.  Licensing and remastering costs can't be higher than production costs of new music.  So why have prices for music items not come down as the market for them increases?  I haven't paid this much for music since the CD first came on the scene.  I know there mysteries in life far more important than the pricing of online music, but it does have me flummoxed.    
Because Hi-Rez is another marketing scheme to get the gullible and neurotic to spend more money. Capitalism at its most predatory! And I am not kidding.
Just stop buying until prices come down. I am pretty sure that when CDs came out they were less to manufacture then LPs yet costed more.
Hey Zerobias,
I have good news for you, though it may not be what you want to hear.

In the last 5-10 years DACs have improved a huge amount. I started a thread on this, but the basic idea is that in particular Redbook playback is so good now that DSD and high resolution playback no longer make economic sense.

So, yes, get a great new DAC, but no, don't worry about high resolution so much.

Thanks Erik.  That is helpful.  I generally read your posts and enjoy them.  I have no agenda with my question, just curiosity.  I doubt I'll be purchasing many DSD products at this point.  I just can not understand the thinking behind the marketing/pricing of the high rez material. Keep posting.   
With my new Ayre EX8 streaming Quboz, just 16/44 is a revelation to my ears.

Who needs hirez!
+1, uberwaltz. 

I have not bought any hi-Rez downloads in over 1.5 years. With subscription to both Tidal and Qobuz I got all the high resolution content at my finger tips.