I count 8 ads presently with either of these amps, and 5 are dealers selling new. Doesn't seem crazy to me, as I think they've sold a lot of them.
I have owned the 300 Mono's for 2½ years, and I have not thought about other amplifiers since. They match just beautifully with my TAD CR-1 speakers, having all the drive needed to get the woofer moving fast enough to keep up with the speedy beryllium mid/tweets, and they sound very musical while revealing more information from the mix than I have experienced before. I have made fine use of the triode tube inputs to tune their flavor to my system and preferences (Amperex 6922 White Labels do it for me!). They present a very 3D stage, they just sound very "natural" to me (I attend a lot of live musical performances every year), and do so across the full spectrum of music, as I listen to most genres (early music to electronica, etc.). I did later add the BHK preamp, and it was a surprisingly strong upgrade, too.
They replaced some fine VAC gear that I had used for some years (Phi 200 amp, and Ren Sig II pre). They are the real deal IME. YMMV.