Why can't I get clear sound?

I have a simple setup just to get me started in high-quality audio, which consists of a NAD C350 and Axiom M22ti's. The interconnects I'm using are cheap monster cables that I had lying around.

Now my problem is that I can't get clear sound from my audio sources. I have the speakers setup on my computer desk and I use the computer's output to play mp3's into the amp. I have many high quality rips from CDs but they sound muffled, playing a CD in the CD-Rom drive sounds muffled, downloaded songs sound muffled along with everythig else. I have even plugged in a portable CD player into the amp, my iPod and my Rio Car deck but they all produce a similar muffled and muddy sound that just doesn't sound right at all.

The only way I have been able to lessen this problem is by using a plugin for Winamp called the "Wow! Thing". When I turn this plugin on it sounds like a blanket has been lifted off of the speakers because everything sounds clear, the highs are more striking, and the bass is actually present!

I have a feeling that maybe all of the sound sources I have used are crap compared to any real good CD players. I have a better CD player, a Sony 5-disc changer, but I haven't had a change to hook that up yet, and I don't even know if it'll be any better than a portable cd player.

I just wish I could get sound the way it was meant to be heard out of my amp and speakers. For me, being still a kid and in school, the $700 I spent for the amp and speakers is quite a bit, but I'm willing to do a lot more if I can just get clear sound without having to use stupid winamp plugins and equalizers.
I agree with Stuartbranson. The cd-changer works ok, the amp works ok and the headphones produced a wonderfull sound. Ergo: speakers(placement) or speakercables. If you wired the speakers out of phase the sound would be muffled, but also lacking any bass response. Have you tried, as stated in one of the former replies, if the tweeters were working? Is it possible to lend another pair of speakers to try with your source and amp? I don't know why, but I got the feeling the problem is with the speakers itself..... Good luck anyway.
I made sure the speakers are in phase. I even switched one of them, and then both of them together and I didn't notice a difference. I am sure the tweeters are working correctly though because I can definately hear them, and when I use that "Wow!" Plugin for winamp they are clearly heard. But I don't like that I can't get good sound without using a plugin that changes the way things should sound naturally.
A small update:

I moved my speakers to a better configuration in my room so they were about 8' apart and 3' from the walls, and were standing on some other monitor speakers that I didn't have in use (the only things I could find for stands, and they were pretty solid anyway). I think it sounded quite a bit better than having them on my desk only about 2.5' apart and about 5" from the wall. It's still not excellent sounding to my ears though, and even that stupid WOW plugin makes the speakers sound even better.

The trouble is that the speakers are useless to me when they are sitting out in the middle of my room, because 99% of the time I am listening to music is when I'm on the computer, so they need to be here in front of me on the desk. Maybe if I got a wider desk I could place the speakers farther apart, but that really doesn't help get them further away from the wall...
Go with you dedicated CD player...and dont expect CD sound quality from mp3s...