Why China Isnt Happening Yet

I have found it interesting to read about Chinese tube amps for a fraction of the price of US, how China is taking over the world etc.

A colleague of mine in the trading and investment business is actually thinking that the prosperity of the US is over forever, Medicaid/Medicare and our pension system are bankrupt, interest rates are going up, the housing market is going to collapse and one day Americans will figure out that there is more than one currency in the world.

At that point, the US will experience flight capital for the first time, and then we are really in big trouble.

Now some of this worries me, but I thought is was interesting that of the 6 or so, bargain priced, obviously knocked off in China, toys that were given to my baby boy for Christmas....

NONE of them worked properly?!?!

The robot? He wouldnt wind up, didnt walk, and sparks failed to fly from his mask.

The magic sliding coin tray? Also didnt work, and was so cheesily made that the mechanism was obvious.

Radio controlled car? Had a range of about 10 feet -- no fun at all.

Now none of this excuses the problems we may have here in America, but FYI I am less likely to buy a tube amp from China in the New Year.


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I find it very ironic that some people at this forum have a bleeding heart for the oppressed, underpaid and generally abused Chinese workers, while their counterparts here are barely making a living, with no job security of any sort and in virtual tutelage to the owners. Wake up! Save yourself before you try to save someone else!
Jea48, you are either completely naive or unintelligent!
As to the quality of Chinese equipment, it varies. Yet frequently it sounds better and always is a better value than the boutique stuff made here or in Europe. Very often your wounded pride (and poor financial decisions) wouldn't let you admit to that.
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