I find it very ironic that some people at this forum have a bleeding heart for the oppressed, underpaid and generally abused Chinese workers, while their counterparts here are barely making a living, with no job security of any sort and in virtual tutelage to the owners. Wake up! Save yourself before you try to save someone else!
Jea48, you are either completely naive or unintelligent!
As to the quality of Chinese equipment, it varies. Yet frequently it sounds better and always is a better value than the boutique stuff made here or in Europe. Very often your wounded pride (and poor financial decisions) wouldn't let you admit to that.
Jea48, you are either completely naive or unintelligent!
As to the quality of Chinese equipment, it varies. Yet frequently it sounds better and always is a better value than the boutique stuff made here or in Europe. Very often your wounded pride (and poor financial decisions) wouldn't let you admit to that.