Reading through this discussion, I am surprised that Lous feels compelled to call out Vandersteen as a dumbed-down sound yet makes no reference to other speakers for hearing impaired, overly detailed, or any other tonal balance difference in the many speakers available.
Mastering engineer Roy Haylee - Simon and Garfunkle; Joe Harley - Producer Blue Note Records and Capitol Music Group; and Shane Buettner, producer Intervention Records, would disagree they have dumbed down sound in their Vandersteen Model 7's where they make critical and final decisions on sound.
Does the sound have to be annoying to be accurate?
Perhaps over-generalized statements like these are the reason we can't have helpful discussions on these forums.
Mastering engineer Roy Haylee - Simon and Garfunkle; Joe Harley - Producer Blue Note Records and Capitol Music Group; and Shane Buettner, producer Intervention Records, would disagree they have dumbed down sound in their Vandersteen Model 7's where they make critical and final decisions on sound.
Does the sound have to be annoying to be accurate?
Perhaps over-generalized statements like these are the reason we can't have helpful discussions on these forums.