why does my plasma tv screen occasionally blank

I have a Samsung PN42A450 connected via hdmi to pioneer elite vsx 92 txh receiver. my time warner hd cable box is also connected to the receiver via hdmi.
My problem is every few weeks on some occasions the tv screen goes completly blank and black for a second or two without any sound and then comes back to normal. this keeps repeating sometimes every few minutes.Please advice
thank you.
I have an Elite Pro 151fd and this happens to mine to but I have noticed it has only been while watching MNF in Hi Def
sorry i actually noticed that the sound is there only my screen goes black..so i tested by putting a dvd in the dvd player also connected via hdmi to my receiver and it plays fine..so i am guessing its the cable box. i will change it and see.
It can be a number of things :

1) outlet is bad and the only way to know is to have the tech use his/her signal meter and to verify the levels on certain channels. Any extra splitters in the house ? A splitter under 900 mHZ will cause this problem also.

2) bad cable from the tap to the house ( whether its underground or aerial ). Might even be the tap itself .

3) how many outlets are active in the house ( even if the tv's arent on, they are still "active " )? Which might need an amp, and the only way to know for sure is to verify levels with a signal meter.

4) could be a system problem . Tech would have to track it back to the first amp and might go as far as taking it back to the node to see what is causing the problem. Could also be a head-end problem or even the station itself having the problem.

5) Cold weather also plays a part and the amps that are out on the line might just need to be readjusted....some do this automatically, but some dont.

These are just a few of the things that could be causing your problem.