I have been upgrading what most companies ignore,out of site,out of mind
most companies use at best average Xover parts the Xover is the. ♥️ or the 🧠
of the speaker it most cases even with great drivers a weak link
I look fir gems or speakers say 5+ years old and rebuild them I just spend $1500
on all the Xover parts for a beautiful pair of Dynaudio Contour 3.4LE parts quality average like Solen and ceramic resistors ,I use top Either Mundorfs great new Ultra copper foil resistor ,or the close second Path audio from Poland $30 each vs the $2 in your speaker, and rewire I bought high quality Cardas wiring Occ copper
and WBT connectors , this$1500 spent will turn a $7 k speaker into a $15k+ With ease, a profound improvement ,it’s Xover is actually a bottle neck for most stock speakers .after 20 years I have literally mega 1000s of hours in comparing and listening. Buy a custom built speaker, Tony Gee of Humble homemade hifi capacitor test makes great speakers for all budgets check out the capacitor test it covers 95% it pretty accurate ,