Why high-end cable manufacturers don't post measurements?

I'd like to get your take on why high-end manufacturers don't post measurements? would you like to see how a cable measure before ....does it matter to you?
That is a poor question because some manufacturers do state some measurements.

What measurements are you looking for ? The trouble is no set of measurements directly tells the consumer how well the cable will sound. Especially since there are thousands of different audio systems in the world today.

If you are looking for certain measurements, you can ask the manufacturer, or have them done yourself. Beware, they are not always cheap and easy to do !
Mr. rilbr

Why do you say: " The trouble is no set of measurements directly tells the consumer how well the cable will sound"?
Please say I don't know about such measurements.
It's even worst, as you do not know what is it that makes one cable sound better over the other.
So what spec. you would look at (if published) and how would you know, by that spec. what cable to buy?

Don't worry. I know. 
DIY is a good idea. But what is the cable that you need? what is the parameter to look for and have in that cable?

The bad part is, that the cable makers not only do not provide much information about their products, but they don't know what is in that cable, that should be significant. So sad...

Here's some answers.  First, the sort if measurements the OP think will be of use are too simplistic to be of use.  second, measuements that MAY tell something would need to be done across the freq spectrum and all sorts of little things matter and cost money, like mortgage the house money.  third go to someone like keysight tech and price a really good network analyzer and the cal and verification kits, cables and other stuff.   You are talking a chunk of change and then you gotta find someone who really knows their stuff.  OR you make up stuff with your spiffy equipment and then your competitors do the same thing because some customers think it matters.  now your back where you started and have to make up more BS in marketingspace.   There are billions of dollars of equipment measuring stuff right now and none of it is in audio.  moneys not there.   frankly its a silly thing to argue about.