Why Is Krell the a bad work???

I am new in this cyber town. Please explain why Krell is such a hated word? Most every review of there products are very positive. In fact I have a 200 FPB and love it.
One simple question- When do go beyond the critical listening and get to enjoying the music? It sickens me to here the banter of this. The krell lifted the veil over the midrange or the plinius sounds so much more robust and authoritative in the lower frequencies. The Cello amps sound so much more liquid and not so solid as the Thresholds. My amp can beat up your amp. It's all B/S. There is one question that most audiophiles need to ponder, Do I love the music or the toys. I won't be visiting this site very often any more, I'm sure this won't upset anybody. The whole thing stinks of petty little personal issues and whiney little people.
"The whole thing stinks of petty little personal issues and whiney little people. " Kind of like the post that contained that wonderful insight?
Fpeel, thank you for making my point. Your inability to distance yourself from my post shows how petty you are. I pointed no finger at an indiviual, yet you have to make it personal and attack me directly.
Didn't take it personal at all, Retro, and even agree with much of the post in question. Was just pointing out the obvious. So wear the shoe; it not only fits, it matches the outfit.