Interesting points in what appears to be an informed post by transaudio.
I still don’t want to spend time with Lady Gag-me but appreciate the insight about her from Brad.
This bemoaning current music is nothing new. My parents growing up with Sinatra and big bands despised Stones, Beatles, etc. The whole thing gets repeated with each generation.
My axe to grind with the current scene...
"Art" reduced to formulaic pursuit of product designed around maximum profitability and guided by the creative genius of corporate lawyers. An emphasis on self-promotion and persona rather than the music. Add to this incorporation of loathsome cultural values and thuggery. Hence, the earlier post: "Lawyers, Guns, & Money" (to misappropriate Warren Zevon). The profit motive has always been present in the music biz, I suppose, just more "artfully" concealed, perhaps.
A question for Brad or anyone else -
How does pop music become popular these days? I gather radio is no longer the dominant thing. The old-style hit making DJs are no longer a force, I don’t think. How do the stars get made? Is it solely on the strength of their touring??
I still don’t want to spend time with Lady Gag-me but appreciate the insight about her from Brad.
This bemoaning current music is nothing new. My parents growing up with Sinatra and big bands despised Stones, Beatles, etc. The whole thing gets repeated with each generation.
My axe to grind with the current scene...
"Art" reduced to formulaic pursuit of product designed around maximum profitability and guided by the creative genius of corporate lawyers. An emphasis on self-promotion and persona rather than the music. Add to this incorporation of loathsome cultural values and thuggery. Hence, the earlier post: "Lawyers, Guns, & Money" (to misappropriate Warren Zevon). The profit motive has always been present in the music biz, I suppose, just more "artfully" concealed, perhaps.
A question for Brad or anyone else -
How does pop music become popular these days? I gather radio is no longer the dominant thing. The old-style hit making DJs are no longer a force, I don’t think. How do the stars get made? Is it solely on the strength of their touring??