Why is Sony Digital sound more like vinyl?

I have had Levinson, BAT, ARC, Wadia, Meridian, Denon etc...players..and the top ones, yet when I purchased a Sony scd-XA777Es I was touched in a way none of the others could! The one thing in common with the other gear was Burr Brown DAC's. Also, I have come to believe that RCA (single ended)connections are more musical. Most of my gear has been balanced...when I went all single ended...ah!!!...music like when audio was new!! Lastly, I have found that if CD playback levels on a preamp rise quikly with low volume settings...musicality and low level detail is lost. Perhaps others out there in Audiogon land have pondered my musings...or maybe I've got way to much time on my hands!!
Just for the record, my reference gear has included the following:


ARC ref2 MKII, LS 25 and SP16L
Levinson 32
BAT 5i
Krell KCT

ARC VT100, VT200, VS110
Levinson 360
Krell 600FPB and 400cx
BAT VK-500

Wadia 861
Levinson 39 and 37,360s
Denon 5900
Sony SCD-1, XA777ES, NS999ES and XA9000ES

Dunlavy SC-V's
Magnepan 3.6's
B&W 801 Nautilus
Watt/Puppy System 6
Martin Logan Odyssey wt Depth Sub
Dalquist DQ-10

Transparent Ref
Harm tech Magic
Alpha Core
Sean - FYI, I have not found a reclocker yet that does not benefit from a low-jitter high edge-rate Transport.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
So, Dave loves his Sony scd-XA777Es, and if anybody disagrees with his assesmment of it, he will bludgeon them to death with it. Dave, we are all intitled to our opinions, including you. Everyone here has a different room with different acoustics, different equipment and interconnects, different hearing and different opinions as to what live music sounds like. Also, the venue contributes to what live sounds like also. So, if your Sony scd-XA777Es sounds great in your system and room, enjoy it.

I've had a few Sony's in my system over the years for audition. However, the only one that I could live with would be the SACD1; a beautifully built and sounding machine. However, at the time it was out of my price range.

On another note, just because someone can hear doesn't mean they can listen. Example - have you ever walked in a McDonalds and ask for a Big Mac and a large soda and the kid behind the counter asks you if you would like anything to drink with your Big Mac? Or, how many times have you told someone to make a right turn and they made a left turn? That's why they have college courses on how to listen....
W.C. Fields is rolling over in his grave- intellectual? Hovever, thank you for taking the high road.