Dissing high end audio is stupid...high end gear are just more refined and more effective design ...
We can criticize price but i am incompetent to do so really ...
We can as i did observe that there is a minimal acoustic satisfaction threshold , and we can cross this threshold with relatively low prices component studying acoustics and controlling vibrations and the noise floor level ...
We cannot reach top acoustic satisfaction treshold with a low cost system ... At best we learn how to go nearer to it with some other low cost component ... thats all ...
I learned how to be happy with what i have by optimizing all the gear working conditions ...
Those who are ignorant feel envy or live in denial and frustration or believe in price tags or believe that their system work optimally when it really did not because they were able to afford high end but without being able to understand how to use it in optimal conditions ...
Acoustics concepts and electrical and mechamical embeddings controls rules over anything ...
Sorry for the bad news ...
Be happy with what you have, learn how to work with it to reach an optimal level commensurate with the gear design quality level...It will not be high end maximum acoustic satisfaction threshold for sure but the minimal satisfaction threshold is already a paradise ...
Happiness dont measure in dollars , and can be engineered by your own creativity ...Develop yours BEFORE upgrading ...