It seems like when I see comments on high end gear there is a lot of negativity. I have been an audiophile for the last 20 years. Honestly, if you know how to choose gear and match gear a lot of the high end gear is just better. When it comes to price people can charge what they want for what they create. If you don’t want it. Don’t pay for it. Look if you are blessed to afford the best bear and you can get it. It can be very sonically pleasing. Then do it. Now if you are also smart and knowledgeable you can get high end sound at mid-fi prices then do it. It’s the beauty of our our hobby. To build a system that competes with the better more expensive sounding systems out there. THOUGHTS?


I find no need or reason to try to convince anyone, especially who has clearly different thoughts about it...I love how my system sounds, and certainly hope you are very happy with yours....some of my components and cables selected after double blind testing, others not...all bought with full return option...

We are not in the same business here ...

Since you came here you seems to be in the business of debunking audiophiles , style James Randi; myself i am neither a subjectivist waiting to be debunk by you , nor an objectivist with scientism blinders ... I am interested by fundamental questions about sound, music, mathematics and hearing ...i believe everyone of good faith ... And it is better if the person is rational for sure ...

I am also guy who look for the way to improve in an incremental way, at the lowest cost, my sound/musical experience and perception using basic principle of acoustics for experiments and for designing my speakers/room/ears relation ...I never bought any tweaks i prefer to create mine for my own use... When you own a low cost but good system , there is many design limitations to compensate for a bit ...

I succeeded in my modest way so much i am happy , i call it the minimal acoustic satisfaction threshold resulting from a relative balance ratio between all acoustics factors implied ...

With more money in the next year, because i cannot really mechanically eradicate destructive crosstalk effect successfully by myself , with a bit more money i will buy as you did already the BACCH filters ... Only reading the Dr.Choueiri explanation is enough for me to be convinced ...

I believe anyone of good faith anyway , and i can read science then i understand and believe Choueiri ... You describe it by the way very well yourself, it is an acoustic revolution not a toy and not a mere tool ...

Now you can debunk people here with your interpretation of science facts , i prefer to hear them without judgement as friends ...Even if some testimonies can be debunk, it is not my career occupation nor my hobby ... Remember that there exist no unanimous theory of hearing , to know why this is so , we must understand very deep problems in many fields from maths theoretical and applied , physics, neurophysiology psychology of perception , and last but not least philosophy problems related to Qualia and meanings ...

Knowledge is more than science and science is more than technology ... Wisdom is knowing it ... Transhumanism is the only cult i want to debunk , not some deluded audiophiles buying a cable with or without any effect ... I dont care ...

I wish you fun with your debunking blind testing company ...

I advise you to submit your CV to big pharma ...😁 I read that they need to "debunk" low cost non profit solutions effectiveness to replace them by highly profitable costly drugs ( safe and effective for sure  ) ...😊



Let me get to the point. I don’t trust anyone who claims to hear differences but are afraid to put their claims to a proper level matched ABX DBT. And so far you have dodged the question multiple times here. Anyone can claim to hear anything. And apparently you will believe it on faith. But if the differences are real that can be demonstrated with a positive result in a proper ABX DBT. If someone posed this question to me they wouldn’t have to ask twice. The answer is yes I’d be happy to demonstrate that everything in my system that I claim makes an audible difference does so under double blind level matched conditions.

so you believe anyone who says they can hear a difference no matter how dubious the claim. I believe anyone who can reliably demonstrate they can hear the difference in a proper controlled test. We just have different standards for what we believe

By the way because i dont buy any tweaks...then i do not sell anything and i had nothing to prove to you or to anybody ...

Because i tuned my room/speakers relation in an incremental long process, if i never used DOUBLE blind test in an objective environment for sure, for the period of one year full time when i worked on my acoustics i used simple blind test systematically each week voluntarily or unvoluntarily ... For example pieces of shielding materials i designed to protect my central electrical panel fall on the floor unbeknowst to me etc ... I used others devices for which as anybody who use them a blind test is not only fun but necessary by the way ... The goal is not debunking but refining the number of devices and their location effectivity etc ...


Your repeated insistence on DOUBLE blind test for others is very revelatory of your understanding and attitude ...

A marketing company must use this DOUBLE blind testing because they need statistical results , simple blind test in an incremental designing process as in my room acoustics is also rational; but asking others to be double blind tested to debunk them is children play ... Have fun ...

Scepticism is defined by 5 modalities and levels of experience in history of philosophy ...It is way more than a method of debunking ...

James Randi was running a business of his own it was never about science ...I am not a disciple of this showman...

I read not only about mathematics but mystics by the way ... 😊

Did you know that the founder of all modern mathematics was a christian mystic ?  ( it was in fact three christian mystics separated in time and disciple of one another the last is Georg Cantor )  i bet you did not know that Cantor was a mystic who taught theology and use the three methods of Dyonisos to create set theory limitation of size principle before the axiomatization and use the intuition of the mystic mathematician bishop Nicolaus of Cues about the absolute and relative infinite  to create set theory ... ... He was difficult to debunk trust me ... No one succceeded yet ...

“Double blind test are not practical for everybody in his OWN room with his OWN gear and his OWN listenings habits ..”

I understand the practicalities of it. I actually do them. My brother had a great saying. “You don’t have to cut yourself to know you bleed.” You don’t have to do your own DBTs when they have already been done over and over and over again with the same results. You acceptedthe results from the one study you cited that used DBTs. Why would you not accept the results of the multitude of tests debunking cables, power cords and other such tweaks? And as for practicalities, it’s not really so impractical that one can’t do them. I somehow manage on a fairly regular basis

@scottwheel thats good for you. We can agree to disagree. That’s perfectly fine I don’t have anything to prove to you. Even if someone did you are stuck to how you feel. Take care. 

“We are not in the same business here ...”

I’m not in any business here. I work in film not in audio. 

”Since you came here you seems to be in the business of debunking audiophiles , style James Randi;”

again I’m not in business here. But when I look at the state of the hobby it is clear that there aren’t enough voices in it calling out the shady and dubious products on the market. Those products dominate the market. Here we have a thread that attempts to rationalize the existence of audiophiles such as myself by trying to dismiss us as haters of high end audio, jealous of audiophiles who buy expensive cables and power cords etc. Or lack any experience with “real” high end audio. I chimed to debunk that mischaracterization of audiophiles such as me that don’t buy into high end cables and power cords. I’m not jealous. I used to own “high end” cables back when I believed in them. It’s not an affordability issue it’s an issue of spending money ineffectively. It’s not about hating high end audio. I am quite passionate about audio and music. It’s certainly not from any exposure to “high end” audio. I have heard many a million dollar plus system over the years at shows, dealerships and the hom s of affluent audiophiles on four different continents. And I am not the only one.

“myself i am neither a subjectivist waiting to be debunk by you , nor an objectivist with scientism blinders ... I am interested by fundamental questions about sound, music, mathematics and hearing ...i believe everyone of good faith ... And it is better if the person is rational for sure ...”

I’m just an audiophile who is passionate about sound quality and music. But I am also a skeptic who believes in science and seeks genuine expert advice. There are a lot of posers in the audiophile world and few genuine experts. I don’t believe everyone in good faith. Dishonesty abounds in this world. I know enough about how humans hear, process and remember sound to understand how we can honestly reach erroneous conclusions about sound and I accept those limitations in myself.