You misinterpreted my post because you are too captive of your blinders testing motto ...
Nobody need a ABX DBT to tune a room or to modify a pair of speakers or headphone etc ...
Must i use an ABX comparator to know if my electrical panel is better working for my audio component with or without my homemade plates ?
I dont need it for comparing dac or amplifier because i dont upgrade anyway and even if i upgrade i will not need them ...
If i had been able to tune 100 homemade Helmholtz resonators from few inches to 8 feet by ears and modify my room i can trust my ears to pick what suit me ...
Go for electronical perfection , i myself prefer learning by experiments with my ears and i am happy with creativity my own way ...
Your protocols suit best the cables collectors ... I am not one ...Then before objecting to someone try to read him right ...
When someone tune a room he dont need ABX test , only some measures and his ears ... Or a DSP ...
And please learn to use the bloc quote just above the post window when using a quote for another post , it will be less fatiguing to read your post ...😁 it is more easy to figure out than the ABX protocol ...
“I did not need these programs because i only use homemade solutions”
that would explain why you find ABX DBTs to be overly complicated and difficult. The programs you don’t need are the ones that make it simple and easy