I used simple blind test in my working acoustic process , and most people may or already use it ...
But if we are not obsessed by our 35 amplifiers and 103 cables and 57 dac , we dont need to compare them in a double blind test ....
Most audiophiles buy few cables and called it job done ... As i did to turn to more serious matter : acoustics ...
Most audiophiles must tune their room and study acoustics a bit ...No need for double blind test for that ,...
Most audiophiles must adress the electrical noise floor of the gear/room/house; no need for double blind test here ...
Most audiophiles must treat their speakers and gear against vibrations and resonance , even their headphones ; no need for a double blind test here ...
As you can see my post also is an information ...
Then you can read it and reply to me : " ok i understand why most audiophiles as you dont need double blind test ...Simple blind test may be enough most of the times " ...😁😊
Do you catch it ?
Now why not explaining instead the BACCH filters you already own to people here who for the most part are ignorant of this revolution and inform them about a real matter instead of crusading for a trivial very well not so useful known matter : double blind test ...
Just my two cent advice ...Choueiri is more important for audio than sellers of the ABX DBT toy ... true science is more interesting than stance about gear tastes testing ...
Acoustics rule audio and the gear not the reverse ....
« The cherry never beat the cake, do you need a double blind test ? »--Groucho Marx 🤓
Do whatever the hell you want. All I said was ABX doesn’t have to be complex or difficult to do thanks to a number of ABX programs. That’s just information. What you or anybody else does with that information is up to you and them.