Why Mac Mini Over Slim Systems Products?

Here are my thoughts. Please let me know if they make sense:

1) Using a Mac Mini for a music server is superior to slim systems duet or squeezebox if you are interested in playing high resolution files (I am).

2) Mac Mini and the Transporter both do high resolution, but Mac Mini would likely provide more universal access to things out there on the web.

3) Now with the ability to use the itouch as a remote control, the Mac Mini has just as much remote functionality as the slim systems stuff. You will still need a screen and keyboard for startup though.

4) It is better to use the USB out of the Mac Mini than the optical mini plug (I don't know why this is true, it may not be true, I've just seen it several times).

IF all these statements are true, then I want to go the Mac Mini route. I have a spare monitor and keyboard. Now I would just need to figure out the DAC question. Please advise re the above. Thanks, Peter
I think you will find the HagUSB disappointing. The BC thing may be great (haven't heard it), but another thing you could try is the Van den Hul Toslink cable, which comes in a version with a mini toslink connector at one end.
I did try contacting the distributor in Canada for Van Den Hul but they will need to order it in. In the meantime, I took out my Sound Professionals glass optical cable and substituted the Belkin optical cable that came with the mini toslink adapter. Better improvement. Actually more musical. There might be synergy between the two versus a different cable. Definitely a better combo now. Less fatiguing on the ears. Strange though. I didn't think the Belkin would be better.

I might try the BC Thingee so I can try my Luminous Audio Allegro Sig. coax cable. Great copper cable
merlocpm - get a jitter device and put that between your computer and the dac. i use them in all my connections and you will get a big jump is musical quality by using a jitter device, plus you can go out coax to the dac. i would stay away from usb connections at this time. i did hear the new audio research dac at rmaf with a usb connection. i liked the dac (i have owned other audio research dacs in the past). the audio research rep told me they worked out some of the usb issues in their dac and they feel it is equal to the other connections. if that is true, IMO, that would be a first for a quality dac.