Why no love for Apple Music?

I’m back in the audiophile game after a few years off. Things have changed quite a bit.  I’ve been listening to CDs, streaming my own CD rips via Audirvana, and playing Apple Music.  I’ve been really impressed by Apple Music and the catalog they have. Just about everything is available lossless and they have a lot of albums that are high-res.  But reading posts here, it seems like everyone is using Tidal or Qobuz.  Why?   Why are those platforms getting the love while Apple Music seems to run in last place here?  

I’m really curious because I’m all in on digital as my source and love the convenience of streaming.  And interested in having the highest quality source at the same time.  Thanks!


Because Apple music pretty much  requires a dirty computer.   

Yuchhh. They do not cooperate with network players.

Apple Music runs perfectly on an iPad with the Lightening to USB adapter. Auto sample rate, clean battery power nice screen . works to 24/192 flawlessly. Much better than on a computer! The sound quality for me is no different than my 10,000 server through its USB port into my 10,000 DAC. I love it, great interface and filled with music for 10 bucks a month!

Thanks, all.  I’ve been listening to Apple Music via my iPad mini and IMHO it sounds great.  I’m also listening to Amazon HD and trying out Tidal.  As to SQ, it’s really hard to hear big differences, although they definitely output at different levels making it impossible to A-B test it. All have lossless and high res albums/tracks to choose from. As far as interfaces go, I think Amazon is my favorite.  Just picked up a Bluesound Node and really curious to compare it to the iPad.  I’m pulling for the Node so I can get rid of the USB cable running to my listening position.