How nice. He joined today to save us from ourselves. I don't want to be saved. The phrase "don't throw me in the briar patch" comes to mind!Probably one of the troll's in Raidho thread with a new moniker. Padding each other on the back so SMART all they can afford is a receiver or boombox.
Like maxboy00 said, and before this all went sideways, there are small makes out there that make great speakers using the same drivers as the "overpriced" stuff mentioned. One that comes to mind is Clearwave Speakers. I own a pair and they are great. Check out this latest review and see if they’re what you’re after.The fact that there is enough demand to support these "overpriced" speakers for companies to stay in business is not "overpriced". It might be "overpriced" for you but that's a different story.
All the best,