Who decide who is a troll?
Are we a troll from the womb? 😁😊
or is being a troll is being a provocator times to times to stir the pot??
Some here are born with truth, armed with truth, and decide who is and who is not a troll...like some pope...
In my experience here trolls are not so common, most people here are people with a strong bias, we all have our own biases, i dont want to ban people save in exceptional case...
I prefer discussion with ARGUMENTS....
no one is able to PROVOKE ME why?
Because i can have arguments...and i can recognize if i am wrong with someone for some reason...
i dont want and will not call anybody here a "troll"...
I dont see that often...
What i see is sometimes some people time to time troll some discussion... But for godsake it is EASY to answer without insulting people...myself i certainly stir the pot sometimes... Am i a troll?
Why qualify someone of troll so easily?
Guess why?
Dividing people more is stupid...The good and the bad really? Some like to clothe themselves in "truth"...
I prefer clear and rational discussions...
i hate censorship... I dont hate any alleged "trolls" qualified so by a "pope"...
I like people of ANY kind, from any opinions, and from any ideology...
But i want to discuss not banning people... I even like the pope here... 😁😊
And who has the innate right to proclaim this save a "pope" :
«I don’t see why trolls should be given an equal footing in a forum dedicated to music enjoyment and the gear that gets us there. F*ck free speech. That’s been the rallying call of trolls, naysayers and provocateurs since, forever.»
Sorry i like free speech more than your proclaimed self rightfulness ...
Why not loving people who are not in accordance with our own "truth"?
I love millercarbon and nonoise alike... why?
Because they have strong character... And i am nor republican nor democrat this help a lot !
But i have also a strong character...And i am not perfect this is why i may apologize time to time...
About free speech: the great Voltaire involved in all injustices combats of his time once said:
«Father, I hate what you write, but I will give my life so that you can continue to write.»
These words are the sign of greatness...
Who will dare to contradict that?
The fathers of America constitution perfectly know Voltaire greatness, guess what comes from this fact ?